Sesame oil for the face

Sesame oil, like many natural oils, has a number of positive qualities. The use of this skin care product suits women well. It is worth mentioning in detail the properties of sesame oil or, as it is also called, sesame oil. This is another step towards looking young and healthy.

It is worth noting that sesame oil is effectively used to repair damaged hair or cold hair, as well as if the hair lacks vitamins. But the skin of the person, who needs nutrition, will change significantly for the better, thanks to home remedies based on sesame.

Sesame oil for face skin

First of all, this oil is used to restore dry, flabby skin of the face. However, if you use it from the youth, it will save the skin in its original elastic state, not allowing it to wither. This is another advantage of a home cosmetic anti-aging agent. After all, most creams or masks of this direction are not recommended to apply before the appearance of the first signs of skin aging. At a more mature age sesame oil perfectly helps against wrinkles, gradually straightening even deep mimic wrinkles, it returns the skin tenderness and elasticity.

Sesame oil has an emollient and moisturizing effect. It perfectly nourishes the skin, as it easily penetrates through the pores, delivering the necessary vitamins to the tissues.

Pure sesame oil can be applied overnight to face in small amounts. Just a little oil is enough to nourish the skin and moisten it. In addition, heated pure sesame oil is used as a means for removing cosmetics from the skin of the face, and mascara from the eyelashes.

Masks with sesame oil

In order to supplement the health effect of oil, I combine it with other components and make masks. There are many recipes for masks. Even the elementary addition of it in a face cream will already benefit. However, consider the options for preparing face masks with sesame oil:

  1. Sesame oil and fatty sour cream. The mixture for the mask is prepared in the ratio of 2 servings of butter and 1 serving of sour cream, applied to the upper eyelid and the area under the eye for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water. The procedure is carried out before applying the eye cream.
  2. Sesame oil and rosehip oil. The oils are mixed in equal proportions. The mask is made for the skin around the eyes and in the places where wrinkles form. After an hour, it is necessary to gently wipe the napkin to remove any oil that has not absorbed.
  3. Vitamin mask. Take a tablespoon of sesame oil, four capsules of vitamin E and A, mixed and applied before sleeping around the eyes.
  4. Sesame oil, glycerine and cucumber. By 3 tbsp. spoon of oil and grated cucumber, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of glycerin is mixed into a homogeneous mass. Then add to it one drop of grapefruit, lemon and mint essential oils. Apply to the entire face for 30-60 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  5. Sesame oil and cocoa butter. To prepare a mask, take 1 tbsp. spoon the oils and apply the mixture for 15 minutes on the skin of the face. Then wash with warm water.
  6. Sesame oil and banana. Ripe banana knead and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of oil. Apply the resulting mixture to clean skin, and after 20 minutes, thoroughly wash off the mask.
  7. Sesame oil and ginger. On a tablespoon of finely grated ginger and butter, mix and apply to the skin of the face.
  8. A healing mask for dry skin from essential oils. Mix a tablespoon of sesame and almond oil and a half teaspoon of avocado oil. Apply the mask for as long as possible.