Astenozoospermia - treatment

Asthenozoospermia is characterized by a quantitative decrease in mobile spermatozoa in the ejaculate, which is often accompanied by a decrease in mobility. This diagnosis is made based on the results of the spermogram, and only after a full survey of men for the presence of infections. After the diagnosis of "astenozoospermia", doctors begin to treat this pathology.

Asthenozoospermia - the cause of infertility?

Quite often men think about the probability of having children with asthenozoospermia. It all depends on the degree of pathology. In the presence of mature, single, with normal sperm motility, pregnancy is possible.

How to treat asthenozoospermia?

Quite often, men, faced with asthenozoospermia, do not know how to treat it. In 90-95% of all cases, this pathology can be corrected.

The tactics of the therapeutic process completely depends on the reasons that lead to the fact that there is a decrease in the motility of spermatozoa. In most cases, however strange it may sound, to treat an insignificant degree of asthenozoospermia, it is enough to change the habitual way of life:

However, the treatment of asthenozoospermia is not always without the use of medications. As a rule, prescription drugs are aimed at improving blood flow in the testicles, which ultimately positively affects the quality and volume of sperm. Most often in similar situations are used Spermaktin, Spemann Tribestan, Trental, Horagon, Verona, Testis compositum. Multiplicity of administration and dosage, which completely depend on the type of asthenozoospermia, the doctor indicates.

To treat astenozoospermia, you can also use folk remedies. In this case, the most commonly used are decoctions of plantain and sage.