How to raise a gentleman?

Every young mother, having first taken her newborn son in her arms, is sure that she will bring up a real man, a gentleman, a modern knight, who will cope daily with complex tasks without looking back, conquer new peaks and delight all women . But can this approach be considered correct? What in the modern world does the notion of "gentleman" include?

If in the Victorian era the word "gentleman" was characterized by a noble lineage, today they are called educated, gallant men who have a sense of dignity, respect people around them.

The role of the father in the education of a gentleman

Both mother and father should realize that any rigid methods of upbringing can undermine the perception of the world by a boy, negatively affect his future relationship with the opposite sex. If the first few years of life, he literally will hold on to his mother's skirt, then eventually learn to be independent. It is not necessary for the boy to interfere with this. Each stage of development is of great value, because it turns a child into a man.

By the age of five or six, boys have shown a desire to communicate with members of their own sex. And here Dad comes to the fore. Various machines and mechanisms, designers, repair of a bicycle or a toy car, fishing - these are the activities that interest him. And dad - the best assistant, friend, partner. Boys are sure that such activities for girls (and mom, among others) are beyond the power. Attention from the father, his participation and care give birth to the boy concept of the head of the family. Even if a child grows up in an incomplete family, he needs a man-authority. With this role can cope and the uncle, and the stepfather, and the teacher, and even the elder brother.

But do not think that a real gentleman does not have the right to show tender feelings. On the contrary, attention and affectionate treatment with the opposite sex, care, gifts and pleasant trifles - this is always true! And the best example is the attitude of the pope to mother, grandmother, sisters.

Rules for the education of a gentleman

Each child is a person with his temperament, character, type of behavior, so there can not be standard rules of education. However, the general rules do exist.

  1. Responsibility . Since childhood, the kid must feel that he has the right to choose. Parents should trust the child, and he should realize that any decision of his own entails responsibility, even wrong. After all, learn from mistakes.
  2. Independence . Even in early childhood, the boy can be trusted to perform elementary tasks in your opinion (collect toys, clean in the nursery, feed pets). Every success of a little gentleman will inspire him to new, more serious achievements.
  3. Respect for others . Even a six-year-old - this is a little man. Teach him to give way in public transport to women of any age, say hello to neighbors, help everyone in every way possible. Who needs it.
  4. Nobility . To educate this quality in the boy can mother literally from the cradle! Let the little one help bring the bag with a bottle of milk, hang my mother's coat, vacuum it. Hearing praise, a child with enthusiasm will strive to help both loved ones and strangers. After a while this behavior will become the norm.

And remember: what loud words you would not tell your son, a real gentleman, he can only become if he is surrounded by well-bred and decent people!