Toys for children 6 months

Toys accompany the child throughout his life. But in order for children to develop properly and be interested in what they bought adults, the toys must match the age, for example: in the first months - rattles and mobile, and not machines and pupae.

In this article, you will learn which toys to buy for children 6 months.

At the age of 6 months, children develop a lot in development: the skill to take an interested person in his subject, the ability to sit on his own, say the first syllables, crawl and turn over, and also repeat the movements for an adult. Therefore, all toys for a six-month-old child should be aimed at developing his abilities, developing the necessary skills and being safe:

There is no special division into toys for boys and girls for children for 6 months, since during this period universal toys are most relevant, in the choice of which functions and quality are of greater importance.


They help the child realize that every action has an effect, in this case sound. Rattles should be convenient for grasping the form: in the form of a stick or have a handle. For a change, you can use bandages with bells for handles and legs.

Rubber brooms

Such toys are very fond of children and parents, since they are multifunctional:

Such toys should be chosen very high quality, avoid poisonous colors and an obvious smell of rubber.


Since at 6 months children have teeth chapped, and this is accompanied by abundant saliva and unpleasant sensations in the mouth, the baby will be very interested in sucking toys (for a bracelet), cooling and simple rodents for six months.

Developing toys for babies from 6 months old

Musical children's toys from 6 months

From the age of 6 months, children love very much all the toys that make sounds, and if at that age they just press the buttons, then later they will play them too, but doing the tasks (for example: show how the cow mooes).

Especially popular are such musical toys:

It is very important in this period, when the child is all pulling into his mouth, carefully monitor the purity of toys:

For a normal development, a child of 6 months does not need a large number of toys, there will be enough different types of 2-3 pieces.