Games for children in the summer camp

For children of school age, the correct organization of summer holidays is very important, because during the school year the body of each child is greatly depleted, both from a physical and mental point of view. At the same time, summer vacations are not a reason to forget the school curriculum and completely abstract from the society.

Parents who send their offspring to the camp in the summer can partially solve this problem. Such institutions always pay special attention to the development and creative realization of children, as well as their social adaptation. In addition, all this happens in a comic form of play, because that's how the guys best absorb the information they provide.

Although most games for children in the summer camp are active and are meant to develop dexterity, endurance and quick response, some of them also contribute to the development of other skills, such as attention, intelligence and memory. In this article, we present several interesting options that can be used to organize recreation for school children in camp detachments.

Party games for the summer school camp

Games for the summer camp are best organized on the street, although this is not always possible due to the variability of the weather. However, almost every institution has a large hall, in which it is also possible to conduct an interesting active game, so that boys and girls could "let off steam." In particular, on the ground or in the summer camp, the following outdoor games can be organized :

  1. "Caught a fish!". All participants of this game stand in a circle, and the leader is located in its center, holding a rope in its hands, at the end of which is attached a small ball. Under the merry music, the presenter begins to twist the rope in such a way that the ball hits the feet of the guys standing around. The task of the players, in turn, - bouncing on the spot, not to allow the limbs to come in contact with the rope. The child, to whose feet the counselor touched, is eliminated from the game. "Fishing" continues until there is no one participant, who is considered the winner.
  2. "Raven and Sparrows." Before starting this game on the floor or on the ground, you need to draw a large enough circle. All the guys stand outside the circle, and one of them, chosen by the presenter with the help of an amusing count, is in the center of the circle. This participant becomes a "raven". The music turns on, and all the guys jump into the circle at the same time, and the "crow" tries to catch one of them. The one who did not manage to avoid a collision becomes himself a "crow".
  3. "Hold the ball." All participants are divided into pairs, each of which is awarded a balloon. Around each pair of players, the same circles with a diameter of 1 meter are drawn. At the signal of the lead the guys have a ball over their heads and simultaneously blow on it, trying to hold in the air. Hand while using is forbidden, as well as going beyond the bound circle. Wins the pair of players who will be able to keep the ball on the weight longer than others.
  4. The Sardines. This game reminds everyone of the known "hide and seek", however, in practice it turns out to be much more interesting. First, with the help of the counters, one participant is selected who is hiding from all the others. After one of the guys finds the missing, they should hide in another place, but already together. So, gradually, to the group of guys who are hiding, all but one will join. This player is considered a loser, and in case of a repeat of the game the next time he will be hiding first.
  5. "I know five ...". At the beginning of the game, a topic is selected, for example, "cities". After that, all the guys stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. The one with the ball in his hand must hit him several times on the ground, saying "I know five cities," and say 5 names without repeating those that were already mentioned by other guys. A child who can not remember a single name until the ball falls to the ground, is eliminated from the game.