Bandage during ovulation of the uterus

The bandage is used to lower the uterus in order to temporarily support the uterus in the small pelvis. For example, often after childbirth, a period is needed to restore and strengthen the muscles that perform this function. In this case, a bandage will be a good helper. Also used among women of advanced age. The gynecological band with the uterus lowering practically does not differ from the usual bandage for maintaining the abdominal cavity organs. But its peculiarity is that it is made in the form of panties. That is, it supports not only on the sides, but also in the perineum.

It is worth noting that the bandage when the uterus is lowered is an effective tool, but it is better to supplement it with therapeutic gymnastics. But the use of a bandage with the prolapse of the uterus is more auxiliary. Moreover, in far-advanced cases it is better to resort to surgical treatment.

How to choose and wear a bandage for the uterus?

Now we will figure out how to choose the right bandage for the uterus and what must be taken into account because the effectiveness of the procedure will depend on this. So:

  1. It is important to choose the right size. Do not order a bandage for the uterus through online stores, even if you know exactly your size. Models of bandages are different. It is necessary to choose the one that will perform its function well and not create inconveniences. So you need to try it on.
  2. It is better to choose a band from natural fabrics. They are more pleasant and allow the skin to breathe. Synthetic though and are cheaper, but this ends all of their benefits.
  3. Do not wear a bandage for a long time, preferably if possible during the day, periodically remove the bandage. But in any case, the period of wearing a bandage to maintain the uterus should not exceed 12 hours. Constant wearing of the bandage can lead to even more relaxation and flabbiness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and small pelvis.

Bandage in the postoperative period

The bandage is necessary in the postoperative period to prevent seam divisions and better healing. The length of wearing the bandage after removal of the uterus depends on the access through which the operation was performed. For example, with laparotomy, you should wear a bandage for about 2 months, then gradually restore physical activity.