Candidiasis in women - symptoms

Thrush is the most frequent female companion. This disease is caused by yeast-like Candida fungi. Hence another name - candidiasis. Fungi are part of the normal microflora of the body and live on the oral mucosa, in the intestines, in the vagina and on the skin. Under the influence of various factors, such as stress, the weakening of the protective forces of immunity, the intake of antibiotics, infection from a sick sexual partner, these microorganisms become more active, their number increases. Then thrush develops. In general, it is not considered a venereal disease, but because of the similarity of the percolation is treated with them. Symptomatic of thrush in women is bright enough to self-suspect the disease and seek medical attention. So how to determine candidiasis?

Symptoms of acute candidiasis in women

The first signs of the disease include the emergence of continuing and increasing itching on the mucosa of the external genitalia and the vagina. To this, an unpleasant burning sensation is added. The itching is sometimes so strong that it becomes painful, prevents sleep and is very worried about a woman. Then on the mucosa there is one more of the bright signs of candidiasis in women - the allocation of white. They have a curdled character, that is, they look like grains of cottage cheese on linen. By the way, that's why the disease was called "thrush". In addition, a white coating and films of the same color appear on the mucous membrane of the labia. The gynecologist at inspection will find out a whitish coating on the inner sheath of the vagina. Allocations become more abundant and have a sour smell.

Also, manifestations of candidiasis include redness and swelling of the genitals, especially at the site of the lesion with whitish bloom. These areas are painless at first, but because of severe itching, a woman often does not stay, and then there are scratching, cracks, wounds and even small sores. And then any friction of the vulva, that is, the external genitalia, when running or fast walking is accompanied by pain.

The symptoms in the acute candidiasis of the vagina include painful sensations during urination, which are aggravated by the dropping of urine on the infected labia of the labia.

Also it is worth paying attention to how the candidiasis manifests during sexual intercourse. The thrush in the acute form makes sexual relations unpleasant and even painful because of the inflamed mucous vagina.

Symptoms of chronic vaginal candidiasis

With chronic thrush, there are relapses almost monthly, the cause of which is, most often the reduction of the immune system or endocrine diseases. At this time, there are symptoms that are characteristic of the acute form of the disease, but in a moderate manifestation. Regarding the appearance of candidiasis in relapses, it should be mentioned the itching, burning in the perineum, its redness, curdiness and white coating, soreness with urination and sexual intercourse. Such signs appear, as a rule, one week prior to monthly and can be found out within two months.

If you have any similar symptoms of thrush, do not self-medicate, because this disease is often similar in appearance to other urogenital infections or accompanies them. Carrying out the diagnosis of candidiasis involves examining the smear under a microscope or bacteriological culture. And to prescribe a suitable treatment, you will need to study the sensitivity of the fungi to the drugs. In chronic candidiasis, the status of the immune and endocrine systems will also be necessary.