Cytology in gynecology

Cytological studies (cytology) have long been included in gynecology, as one of the most frequently used methods of diagnosis. For example, a smear for cytology , the collection of material for which is made from the cervix, is the main diagnostic study, with suspicion of a pathological process in the reproductive organs.

Quite often, cytological studies are performed with hormonal impairment of ovarian function, as well as in violation of the menstrual cycle.

What is the purpose of the smear for cytology?

In the smear produced, laboratory technicians evaluate the shape, as well as the size and number of cells, the nature of their location, which allows early diagnosis of both precancerous and background diseases of the cervix.


The analysis for cytology, conducted at the gynecological center, is prescribed for all women age 18 and over. In addition, it is conducted with:


Preparation for cytological examination of the uterus is as follows:

Also, a woman is advised not to urinate 2 hours prior to the analysis for cytology of the cervix.

Doctors recommend taking tests for cytology immediately after the end of the menstrual cycle, on day 4-5.

How is it conducted?

Investigation of the cytological features of the uterus is to take a cellular material, which is further subjected to analysis.

The smear is taken with a gynecological examination with a sterile, specially designed brush. The material is taken from the inner and outer surfaces of the cervix. Then it is applied to the edge of a sterile slide and slowly, lightly, motion is smeared. Then dry it, fix it with special solutions and microscopy. The procedure itself is painless and lasts only 10-15 seconds.

As the material is scraped during collection, and the tissue is injured, after the procedure, small spotting spots, 1-2 days in duration, are possible.

How are the results of the study assessed?

When describing the smear as a percentage, the content of each type of epithelial cells is indicated separately. Colpositogram is compiled. Basically, the percentage of surface cells having a nucleus nucleus is determined.

As a rule, morphological changes, as well as functional changes in the vaginal mucosa, lead to a change in the composition of the smear. So, estrogens strengthen the process of maturation of the epithelium, as a result of which the swab increases purely surface cells that have a picotic nucleus.

Under the influence of progesterone desquamation of epithelial cells occurs, therefore, in the smear they look deformed and are arranged in groups, the number of white blood cells in the smear increases.

Normally, the shape and size of all cells are the same in the smear, and there are no atypical cells. When a large number of cells are found, the wrong form is given a smear for oncocytology, a material intake for which is made from the cervix. If necessary, the doctor additionally appoints a colposcopy with a biopsy, to clarify and finalize the diagnosis.