Vasomotor rhinitis - 11 causes and best treatments

Vasomotor rhinitis is a chronic nasal disease, in which regulation of vascular tone is disturbed. To the side walls of the body are attached bone structures, on top covered with mucous membrane, in which an impressive number of vessels are concentrated. With vasomotor rhinitis, the blood filling of the latter is disturbed, and the nasal conchae swell. As a result, there are unpleasant symptoms of colds and runny nose.

Vasomotor rhinitis - causes

When the disease venous plexus expands, the mucous membrane of the nose swells and thickens, which leads to damage to the ciliated epithelium, disruption of the mucous glands, changes in the olfactory epithelium. As a consequence of all of the above, the nose can not perform all its functions correctly. Causes of a vasomotor runny nose are such factors:

  1. Viruses. One of the most common reasons. The activity of microorganisms causes an immune response, which is always accompanied by inflammation and edema.
  2. Contaminated air. In some people, vasomotor rhinitis begins due to inhalation of poor quality air: too cold or hot, wet or dry, dusty, containing contaminants of toxic gases. Once it enters the nasal cavity, the mucosa begins to actively produce mucus, which affects the regulation of blood vessels.
  3. Emotional overstrain. Many diseases begin because of nerves. And vasomotor rhinitis was no exception.
  4. Reception of individual medicines. As a rule, abuse of such medications as ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Prazosin, Aspirin, Fentolamine leads to inflammation and disturbance of vascular tone. These drugs help to increase the blood circulating in blood vessels.
  5. Hormonal disorders. Vasomotor rhinitis can develop during pregnancy, menstruation, puberty. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in those who take oral contraceptives. This is because hormonal disorders lead to a violation of the regulation of the vascular tone.
  6. Atopic diseases. Such as bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and others.
  7. Abuse of spicy food or alcohol. This cause leads to a temporary runny nose.
  8. Adenoids and nose trauma. Curvatures and different formations interfere with the normal circulation of the air flow and compress the vessels. As a consequence, blood can stagnate in the venous plexus.
  9. Hypertension and VSD. The neurogenic factor in diseases works abnormally, which causes the narrowing or widening of the arteries and venous plexuses. And this leads to edema and a chronic cold.
  10. The ailments of the digestive organs. Especially those that are accompanied by casting of gastric juice or high acidity .
  11. Abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs. If a long and a lot of use of such drugs, the body begins to oppress its own production of narrowing vessels of substances. This leads to the fact that without drugs the vessels are constantly in an expanded state.

Forms of vasomotor rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis with a violation of the regulation of the vascular tone specialists have been studying for a long time. Numerous studies have helped to distinguish two of its main forms: neurovegetative and vasomotor allergic rhinitis. Both varieties have a lot in common, but each of them has special symptoms. In addition, the treatment of various forms of vasomotor cold is slightly different.

Vasomotor rhinitis is a neurovegetative form

This disease, as a rule, is diagnosed in people suffering from dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In such cases, neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis occurs as a result of disorders of the nervous mechanisms. In this case, even the most insignificant irritant factors lead to an aggressive reaction from the mucous nasal cavity.

The final diagnosis is made only after it is possible to exclude with confidence the variant with allergic origin of the common cold. Neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis occurs in most cases paroxysmally. Attacks tend to disturb patients in the morning. And if you manage to examine the mucous membrane at this moment, its blueness and pallor will be clearly visible.

Vasomotor rhinitis - allergic form

Attacks with an atopic rhinitis begin, as soon as the substance-stimulus enters the mucous membrane. There is a reaction, the tissue swells, and breathing is immediately complicated. Chronic vasomotor rhinitis of allergic origin is permanent and seasonal. The latter develops at the same time of the year - as a rule, when a certain plant blooms. Permanent rhinitis worries those who regularly have to contact with allergens: hair, down, dust and other.

Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms

Both allergic and neurovegetative runny nose is accompanied by severe fatigue. Most patients complain of sleep disorders and headaches. In some, the appetite decreases. Problems with nose breathing lead to impaired ventilation. Against this background, blood circulation in the cardiovascular system and brain deteriorates. Chronic rhinitis has symptoms such as:

Vasomotor rhinitis - treatment at home

A specialist should be selected for therapy. As a rule, vasomotor rhinitis treatment involves complex. It includes taking vasoconstrictive medications or antihistamines, washing the nose with solutions based on sea salt. In some cases, patients are prescribed injections of sclerosing agents that are injected under the mucosa or novocaine blockades into the shells of the nose.

Vasomotor rhinitis - treatment, drugs

Medicines for each patient are selected individually. Before you can cure vasomotor rhinitis and prescribe a prescription, a specialist should accurately determine the form and stage of the disease. It is also important to consider all the characteristics of the patient's body. In most cases, preparations with vasomotor rhinitis are selected from the following list:

Inhalation with vasomotor rhinitis

These procedures are considered very effective. Inhalation is not only symptomatic, but also anti-inflammatory treatment. In addition, many patients they replace the potent vasoconstrictor drops . Since the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis sometimes takes a long time, an important advantage of inhalation can be considered their mild effect on the nasal mucosa.

To improve the effectiveness of procedures in the nebulizer it is recommended to add such solutions:

Vasomotor rhinitis - massage

Very well proven and a method of treatment, such as acupressure with vasomotor rhinitis. The essence of it - in the impact on biologically active points, which you need to look for in such places:

  1. In the center of the border is the forehead with the scalp.
  2. Symmetrical. It is located in the region of the inner edges of the eyebrows.
  3. In the center of the nose bridge.
  4. Symmetrical. It is located on both sides of the nasal bone.
  5. With the edge of the nasal bone, in the very middle of the nose.
  6. Symmetrical. It is located near the wings of the nostrils.
  7. Above the upper lip, under the nose.
  8. Symmetrical. It is located from the outer edge of the nail on the index fingers of the hand.
  9. Symmetrical. It is located from the inner edge of the nail on the thumbs of the hand.
  10. Symmetrical. It is located at the intersection of straight lines drawn from the 8th and 9th points.
  11. Symmetrical. It is located from the outside of the nail of the thumbs of the feet.
  12. Symmetrical. It is located on the foot under the inner side of the ankle.
  13. Symmetrical. It is located at the intersection of the straight lines from the 11th and 12th points.

Vasomotor rhinitis - treatment with folk remedies

A simple, harmless and effective remedy - drops with vasomotor rhinitis from beets. A piece of root vegetable should be grated and squeezed juice from it using gauze. Bury the drug should be 3 drops 3-4 times a day. Here's another way how to treat vasomotor rhinitis at home: you can do a nose flushing with infusion of calendula. Dry flowers, filled with boiling water, should be infused for about two to three hours.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with laser

It often turns out that only temporary relief comes from conservative treatment. As a result, many people have to think about whether the laser treats vasomotor rhinitis. Today this method is one of the most effective. It is painless, minimally invasive, does not provoke the formation of scar tissue and brings relief after the first operation. In addition, the procedure does not require hospitalization.

Vasomotor rhinitis - surgical treatment

Surgery to the patient is required when conservative treatment does not work. In case of a disease, the vasomotor rhinitis operation should mainly solve the problem of dilated vessels and, if there are, correct all the anatomical defects of the nasal cavity. Methods of surgical therapy are as follows: