Antibiotics for coughing

Coughing is a protective reflex of our body, serving, first of all, for getting rid of an alien body from the respiratory tract. Cough is not a separate disease, but can be a symptom of a disease or its consequence. Also, coughing can be associated with a mechanical effect on the larynx or trachea (prolonged conversation or crying, inhalation of irritating mucous membranes of gases, etc.).

Do I need antibiotics for cough?

Quite often, doctors prescribe antibiotics with a strong and prolonged dry or wet cough accompanying infectious diseases. In some cases, the appointment of drugs of this type is associated with the prevention of possible complications of the disease. However, it has been proven that in most cases, taking antibiotics does not speed up getting rid of this symptom and sometimes prescribing antibiotics to treat diseases with a wet or dry cough is absolutely unreasonable.

Many diseases accompanied by a cough are caused by various kinds of viruses, against which conventional tablets are absolutely powerless. Therefore, antibiotics in such cases are not only unable to help, but can also cause significant harm to the body (cause dysbacteriosis, addiction, allergic reactions, etc.).

Should I use antibiotics for cough?

Reception of antibiotics for coughing is effective and expedient only if the pathogens are bacteria, and it is precisely known which ones. To determine the type of pathogenic microflora that affects the respiratory tract, it is necessary to analyze the sputum to be separated. Another important point is the analysis of the susceptibility of these bacteria to certain types of antibiotics. Only after this, you can prescribe a specific medication that is guaranteed to help get rid of the disease.

Thus, to determine which antibiotics to take when coughing in each particular case, h can only the therapist after receiving the results of these analyzes.

Signs of bacterial infection

There are several signs with which the doctor can determine that the disease, accompanied by a cough, is not viral, but bacterial.

Symptoms of bacterial cough:

You can independently know beforehand whether the virus is a bacterial flora according to such a simple "rule": if a cough accompanies inflammation in the throat and a runny nose, then this is a viral infection, and if there is only a cough and sore throat infection is bacterial and antibiotics will be required. It should also be cautious with a protracted cough in the absence of other symptoms.

As a rule, it is impossible to do without antibiotics with such diagnoses:

Precautions for taking antibiotics

It is worth noting once again that you can not take antibiotics on your own while coughing, even if someone helped them with such symptoms. Only a doctor can prescribe them after the tests. Regardless of the type of antibiotic and the duration of the course of its use, after the end of treatment it is recommended to conduct a course of dysbacteriosis prevention. In some cases (especially when prescribing antibiotics to children), a parallel intake of antihistamines is prescribed.