Chronic tonsillitis - treatment

With chronic tonsillitis there is a constant inflammation of the tonsils, one of the main reasons for which is weakened immunity. Treatment of this disease is carried out in accordance with its severity, the presence or absence of complications. In general, we can distinguish two types of treatment - conservative and surgical.

Conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Conservative treatment is indicated with a compensated form of chronic tonsillitis. It is comprehensive, aimed mainly at removing acute processes and achieving a long period of remission, and can include the following activities:

1. Local therapy - the use of antiseptic solutions for rinsing the throat , as well as sprays, tablets, troches for resorption with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Sometimes injection injection of antiseptics or antibiotics into tonsil tissue is used.

2. Treatment with systemic antibiotics. with chronic tonsillitis most often the bacterial flora is the causative agent of the infection, rationally the internal use of antibiotics in the period of exacerbation of the disease. It is desirable before the appointment of a drug for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis to carry out a smear analysis from palatine tonsils to bacteriological culture. But often doctors immediately prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics:

3. The use of immunocorrection and immunostimulation to restore the normal functioning of the immune system, as well as vitamin complexes, antihistamines.

4. Removal of pathological contents of tonsils in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis with purulent plugs, which can be performed by several methods:

Laser treatment is a modern effective method of treatment of chronic tonsillitis, which allows not only to get rid of traffic jams, but at the same time to seal lacunas without leaving the possibility of purulent substance to accumulate again. In addition, there are laser procedures aimed at removing inflammatory processes, accelerating the processes of tissue regeneration.

5. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, which include the above-mentioned laser therapy, ultrasound, microwave therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, magnetotherapy, etc.

Surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis

In the case of chronic decompensated tonsillitis recommended radical treatment - tonsillectomy. The procedure for removing tonsils is complete or partial. Today, gentle methods and modern tools are used for this purpose. Thus, partial tonsillectomy is often performed by cryodestruction or laser burning. For complete removal, the following methods can be used:

After the operation during the recovery period it is important to follow all the necessary recommendations to avoid the development of complications. The main recommendations relate to some restrictions in nutrition and drinking in the first days after the intervention.