Haliksol - indications for use

Halixol is an expectorant used to dilute sputum by increasing the activity of hydrolytic enzymes that break down the connection between mucopolysaccharides of sputum. Due to the fact that the drug Haliksol quickly reduces the viscosity and adhesive properties of sputum, the positive effect of taking the drug does not take long to wait.

Form of formulation and composition of the preparation

Halixol tablets without a smell, have a flat round shape. Distinctive features is a dash on one side of the tablet and an engraved letter "E", on the other - "231". Syrup Halixol also has no smell, but there is a characteristic taste.

The active substance of the drug is ambroxol chloride. One tablet contains 30 mg of the substance, in the syrup - 30 mg per 10 ml of the drug.

What are the tablets taken from Haliksol?

Indications for the use of the drug Haliksol are respiratory diseases and ENT organs in which it is necessary to get rid of mucus. First of all, the drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Bronchitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi, the reasons for this are several - from infection to contaminated air, but in the treatment of bronchitis , expectorants are always used, for example, Halixol.
  2. Bronchial asthma. The cause of its development is the accumulation in the bronchi of viscous sputum, from which it is necessary to get rid first.
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In this case, the presence of sputum is one of the main symptoms of the disease and it is in it that most of the cells of inflammation (neutrophils, macrophages, T-lymphocytes).
  4. Pneumonia. The disease is characterized not only by high fever and pleural pain, but also by a cough with a copious discharge of purulent sputum, so expectorant and thinning The drug Haliksol is the basis of the treatment of the disease.
  5. Bronchoectatic disease. Among the symptoms there is a cough with purulent sputum, as in the lower parts of the lungs there is a chronic suppuration.

Also among the indications are diseases of the ENT organs, the treatment of which requires liquefaction of mucus. The most common diseases are various kinds of sinusitis and otitis. But not infrequently tablets from a cough of Haliksol are used for self-treatment for ARVI or a flu.

The choice of form of medicine, tablet or syrup, depends on the patient's preferences. But if necessary, soften the throat and for the best effect, prescribe the liquid form of Halixol, since it is absorbed faster.