Pneumonia - symptoms that you did not know about

Pneumonia, the symptoms of which in different organisms can manifest themselves in different ways, is an acute lung injury. The disease is of an infectious and inflammatory nature. As a rule, all elements of pulmonary tissues are involved in it, and if treatment of an ailment is not dealt with, it can lead to serious consequences.

What is pneumonia, and how dangerous is it?

Inflammation begins as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. This is a common disease, which, according to statistics, is found in 12-14 people out of 1000. If you diagnose the disease in time and start treating it correctly, coping with the inflammation is not so difficult, but it is not always possible to take measures. For this reason, until now, pneumonia is a deadly disease.

What is the danger of pneumonia? Severe forms of the disease can lead to the destruction of lung tissue, and the effects of toxins cause cardiac, hepatic, renal and respiratory insufficiency, an infectious-toxic shock. In addition, pneumonia causes and non-pulmonary complications:

Pneumonia - Species

Adults and children can be affected by a variety of types of disease. Types of inflammation of the lungs are determined depending on various factors:

Focal pneumonia

This is one of the types of acute inflammation. Focal pneumonia, the symptoms of which in each case are manifested in different ways, is characterized by the onset of the inflammatory process in the limited areas of lung tissue. As a rule, it affects small structural units - pulmonary lobules. Focal inflammation of the lungs in adults occurs in most cases.

Croupous pneumonia

With this form of the disease, a massive bilateral inflammatory process is observed. Croupous pneumonia in adults is accompanied by a marked syndrome of intoxication. In many cases, it is supplemented by secondary changes occurring in the internal organs. If the patient does not receive timely therapy, the pathology can lead to his rapid death as a result of brain hypoxia or cardiovascular and respiratory failure.

Croupous pneumonia, the symptoms of which are mostly pronounced, develops in four stages:

  1. Lasts 1-3 days, for which the alveoli expand, and they accumulate exudate.
  2. Lasts 3-5 days. During this period, the air displaced from the alveoli is replaced by a fibrous effusion containing leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelial cells.
  3. Leukocytes begin to predominate in the exudate.
  4. Comes on the 7-11 day. The process of resorption of fibrin begins.

Unilateral pneumonia

This type of disease is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process in only one lung. Right-sided acute pneumonia occurs more often than the left-sided pneumonia. The reason is that the right bronchus is located obliquely from the top down, and pathogenic microorganisms prefer to accumulate in it. In addition, the organ is slightly wider and shorter than the left. To prevent complications, as soon as right-sided pneumonia symptoms begin to manifest, immediately it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Two-sided pneumonia

This is a serious pulmonary pathology, which is characterized by the defeat of both the left and right lungs. In most cases, bilateral pneumonia is the result of the activity of pneumococcal bacteria. The disease is severe, often gives complications, which sometimes even lead to death. Bilateral pneumonia can manifest symptoms in the body of patients of any age, but as a rule, it is necessary to suffer more often for those who have immunity not fully formed or weakened.

Pneumonia - Causes

Inflammatory processes begin because of different viral infections. The latter lead to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and create comfortable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. Simply put, the main causes of pneumonia are pathogens. The factors that determine the pneumonia infection are:

Causative agent of pneumonia

Almost always the causative agent penetrates the lungs through the respiratory tract. In rare cases, infection occurs through the blood from other foci of infection in the body. Once a pathogenic microorganism is introduced into the lung tissue, inflammation develops, and blood cells with macrophages tend to it, the accumulation of exudate begins.

In addition to the activity of Klebsiella sticks, pneumonia can begin because of such pathogens:

Signs of pneumonia

Manifestations of pneumonia may differ. The symptomatology depends on various factors:

Pneumonia symptoms can be pronounced or worn out. Inflammation of the lungs is also atypical, and sometimes it develops asymptomatically. The most serious disease occurs in the elderly, children and those whose immunity is weakened. Such patients are more likely than others to face complications, and they need more intensive therapy. And it is desirable that it begins as soon as possible after the onset of the first symptoms. The signs of pneumonia in an adult are as follows:

Temperature at pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs can occur with and without the temperature. Many patients suffer from heat, which does not knock down even antipyretic drugs (inefficiency of specialized medications is one of the characteristic signs of pneumonia). At them the temperature jumps up to 39 - 40 degrees, and there are also such patients who feel only malaise. The column of the thermometer does not rise above 37.5 degrees, but even then you should consult a doctor.

The signs of pneumonia in an adult without a temperature differ from the symptoms of a "traditional" disease:

  1. As a rule, patients with pneumonia pale skin of the face, and on the cheeks there is an unnatural blush.
  2. If you listen, you can distinguish that the patient's breathing is accompanied by an unhealthy whistle.
  3. Any physical activity causes shortness of breath.
  4. Many patients get hard to walk, they sweat and drink constantly.
  5. Often patients complain of pain when turning their torso.

Cough with pneumonia

This is one of the main symptoms of the disease. As a rule, in the early stages of coughing is dry and delivers a lot of discomfort, because seizures pester the patient constantly. As the disease develops, the cough becomes moist and is accompanied by the expectoration of a mucous consistency of a yellowish-greenish color. Attacks cause pain in the chest. Sometimes a herpetic rash appears on their background.

Although it causes a lot of problems, cough is a "good" symptom. During an attack with phlegm, an infection is also derived from the lungs. If pneumonia without a coughing occurs, then the pathogens remain in the body and continue to multiply, and this is fraught with complications. The absence of seizures can be observed in patients who have recently undergone bronchitis or laryngitis.

Inflammation of the lungs without symptoms

This form of the disease is diagnosed, as a rule, against a background of low immunity, uncontrolled intake of potent antibacterial agents or prolonged treatment with antitussive drugs. If signs of pneumonia are absent, and the disease in the body develops, a diagnosis of "latent pneumonia" is made. The main symptom of the disease may be sudden shortness of breath. Individual patients note that with latent inflammation they experienced dizziness, taking a deep breath.

To recognize asymptomatic pneumonia it is possible and on such signs as:

How is pneumonia diagnosed?

In most cases, the suspicion of inflammation occurs with the doctor during the examination. When diagnosing pneumonia, the X-ray plays a decisive role. This is the main diagnostic tool. The roentgenogram clearly shows the focus of inflammation. In addition to fluoroscopy, the specialist should conduct a laboratory analysis and examine sputum. The procedure helps to identify the nature of pneumonia and identify the pathogen, which contributes to the appointment of an effective treatment.

An important stage of diagnosis is a blood test. An increased number of white blood cells will indicate the viral or bacterial origin of the disease. Another diagnostic method is bronchoscopy. This is an unpleasant procedure, but it helps to study the bronchi. The essence of the method is in the introduction through the nose or mouth of a thin tube, through which the organs are inspected and, if necessary, the mucus is taken from the site of inflammation.

Pneumonia - treatment

Therapy should be comprehensive and better if it is conducted in a hospital. How to treat pneumonia, the doctor decides. The task of the patient is to strictly comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor. Otherwise, therapy can be delayed, and the condition - worsen. Treatment of inflammation includes such activities:

  1. Reception of antibacterial drugs. In a typical and uncomplicated course of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets or capsules. In all other cases, the medication is administered intravenously.
  2. Physiotherapy. Unilateral pneumonia without cough and severe symptoms can be treated with ultraviolet irradiation and other procedures.
  3. Home treatment. Some patients are recommended to make mustard wrappings, to be treated with herbs and conduct respiratory gymnastics.