Symptoms of high blood sugar

Excessive amounts of glucose in the blood are called hyperglycemia. It can occur both against the background of diabetes, and due to other diseases, as well as taking certain medications. Unfortunately, the symptoms of elevated blood sugar are non-specific and rarely are clearly expressed, so it is not often to diagnose hyperglycemia in the early stages of development.

The first symptoms of high blood sugar

In most people, mild forms of hyperglycemia are not accompanied by any clinical manifestations or they are so weak that the patient simply does not pay attention to them.

Among the primary symptoms of high blood sugar is noted, mainly, dehydration. Due to lack of fluid in the body, the following symptoms are observed:

Symptoms of moderate severity due to elevated blood sugar levels

If hyperglycemia is not started at an early stage, the glucose concentration will continue to grow, accompanied by a clinical picture:

What are the severe symptoms with elevated blood sugar?

A very high concentration of glucose, exceeding the figure of 30 mmol / l of blood, can cause loss of consciousness, lethargy. Moreover, severe hyperglycemia leads to some life-threatening conditions - coma and ketoacidosis. Typically, these effects occur when insulin production is insufficient or completely absent due to the progression of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.