Is it possible to cut hair on the Trinity?

The Trinity is the second most important holiday after Easter. This is one of the few Christian holidays in which church canons and folk customs are closely intertwined. Not everyone knows whether it is possible to cut hair on the Trinity and how to hold this Sunday and Whit Monday as it is called.

How did this holiday come about?

Turning to the Gospel of Luke, it says that on the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ, his mother and disciples met to commemorate the son of God and at that moment the sky was thundering and the fiery tongues fell down from above, one above each of the apostles . Thus the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, and from that day they began to celebrate the feast of the Trinity. This day is not accidentally called "green", because the church is generously decorated with greens - wormwood, thyme, periwinkle, lover and other herbs. Moreover, they are not discarded later, but are collected and used as a remedy for cattle.

Parishioners also decorate their homes, and young girls weave wreaths and let them into the river or pond. So they are guessing at the betrothed: if the wreath floats far, then you can start collecting the giving, but will stay at the shore, then another year in the girls go.

Why can not I cut my hair on the Trinity?

As already mentioned, the traditions of the celebration of Christian holidays are closely intertwined with pagan customs, but in the Orthodox faith there is no binding to such things as cutting hair on the Trinity, going to the bath, shortening the mustache and beards. There are only prescriptions about fasting, reading certain canons and prayers. The church rejects all superstitions and idolatry, and calls not to attach such great importance to the one with which he got up, when and what he cut, and also what way he went to work. Much more important is how a person lives and treats his neighbor, keeps the commandments and works with love.

Those who are wondering why it is impossible to get a haircut on the Trinity are worth replying, that in all the great Christian holidays it is customary to go to the temple for service, and afterwards to celebrate this day with the family, that's why there is simply no time for any work, including the one that is performed with scissors. Therefore, those who doubt whether it is possible to cut a child to the Trinity, it is worthwhile to postpone it for another day. Otherwise, all subsequent failures and failures will be unconsciously connected with the committed sin and poison the soul. If you can not transfer the planned one to another day, you can cut your hair to the Trinity in the evening at sunset. It is believed that at this time the holiday is coming to an end, and hence any work is not banned.