Warm salad with seafood

Mediterranean cuisine is famous for its recipes with all kinds of seafood unusual for us. And if squid and clams have already taken root at your table, it's time to try something more exotic. Believe me, octopuses are also very tasty!

Warm salad with squid



Squid washed well, remove the film and cut into rings. On the heated frying pan fry the onion half rings until they begin to change color. We add squid. Stew, stirring, 5 minutes. We pour in the wine, put the garlic and cover with a lid. Tomat squid with the garlic passed through the press for another 5-10 minutes, until they become soft. We lay out on plates, and in a frying pan add a little oil, lemon juice, add sliced ​​lemon and parsley. Solim, pepper, mix and pour with this sauce rings of squid.

Warm salad with mussels


For sauce:


Mussels washed, separating them from the shells, after hiding back in the "houses" and laying shells on a baking sheet. The chopped green basil and grated garlic are mixed with softened butter. Distribute the resulting mass into each sink, sprinkle with breadcrumbs mixed with grated parmesan, and send it to a preheated oven for 180 minutes for 10-15 minutes until it blushes.

For the sauce, mix yolks with mustard and a clove of garlic, passed through the press. We add finely chopped anchovies and lemon juice. Beat in the blender until smooth. When the yolks whiten, literally drop by drop we introduce olive oil.

We spread out on the plates washed and dried lettuce leaves, poured with sauce, and on top we spread mussels. We decorate with lemon wedges, as to eat sea delicacy it is necessary to sprinkle it with juice.

How to prepare a warm salad with an octopus?

Those who visited Italy could not miss this salad with fresh octopus and young potatoes.


For broth:

For refueling:


The octopus is well washed with running water, especially the ink bag and tentacles. In the boiling salted water we throw chopped vegetables, bell pepper and bay leaf, pour vinegar. We lower the octopus into this broth, cover it with a lid and simmer for about an hour, until soft (check with a fork).

We close the baking tray with parchment, add a little olive oil and spread the washed, sliced ​​potatoes with large slices. Solim, pepper, sprinkled with leaves of thyme and rosemary. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes on medium heat. Finished potatoes spread on plates in a circle, in the center - rukkola, and on top - sliced ​​octopus with vegetables. We pour all the dressing. For her, grind garlic and parsley, add juice and butter, salt, pepper. In the end, you will get a deliciously delicious and very unusual salad with seafood.