Puree from cauliflower

Puree from cauliflower is loved by very many, because of its delicate taste, low calorie, good for the body, ease of preparation and nutritional value. This vegetable contains many microelements and vitamins, and it is also easily digested and digested by our body, without causing the appearance of gases in the intestine. That is why, cauliflower takes a special place of honor in children's nutrition.

Dishes from this vegetable are usually very often given as a first feeding to children for up to a year, since they are useful for the digestive tract of the baby. Let's consider with you recipes puree from cauliflower.

Preparation of products for the preparation of puree from cauliflower

Preparation of any dish begins always with the choice of cauliflower. Vegetables should be fresh and quality, for this you need to carefully study its appearance. Good cabbage always has elastic inflorescences of white color, without blackening.

Cauliflower puree for babies

This mash is best introduced into the baby's diet from about 7 months, first by 1 teaspoon per day and gradually every day gradually increase portions.



Now tell you how to cook puree from cauliflower. We take a shallow saucepan, pour water, put the processed inflorescences of cabbage and boil them on medium heat for a few minutes. Then carefully take the cabbage out of the water, beat it well with a blender, gradually adding vegetable broth , where the vegetable was cooked. Once the mashed potatoes become homogeneous, we put it into a plate and use it to feed the baby.

Baby puree from cauliflower and carrots

Such mashed potatoes are usually prepared for children who have already mastered many vegetable dishes, prepared only from one vegetable. Thanks to the addition of vegetable oil, it has a high nutritional value and a more intense taste, which is sure to please the baby.



Carrots thoroughly washed, wiped with a towel, cleaned and cut into small pieces. Washed and processed cauliflower, disassemble on inflorescences and put together with carrots into boiling water. Cook the vegetables for about 15 minutes with the lid closed on a weak fire. Then grind everything with a blender into a homogeneous mass and refuel the cooked puree from the cabbage with vegetable oil.

Recipe for mashed cabbage puree with cream

The more mature your child becomes, the more new products appear in his diet, and the more he shows interest in unusual tastes and different dishes.



Cauliflower is processed, disassembled on inflorescences, washed and boiled in a small amount of slightly salted water until half-ready. Then, gently drain the liquid, add cream and stew all together for about another 10 minutes. After that, in the resulting mass squeeze out the lemon juice, put the salt and crush everything blender until homogeneity. We serve the dish to the table, decorating with fresh herbs.

Puree from Brussels sprouts



We take brussels sprouts , mine and put it in a saucepan. Then we pour the vegetable with boiling water and cook on weak fire for about 20 minutes. We shred cabbage with a blender, or grind it through a sieve. Add the olive oil, mix thoroughly and serve it to the table.