Coffee with milk

Many people in different countries like natural coffee - this wonderful invigorating and, of course, a useful drink in reasonable quantities. There are many ways and recipes for making coffee, including, with a variety of flavor and flavor additives. However, it is not surprising that many prefer coffee with milk - this drink has a more delicate taste, soft and harmonious.

According to some versions, the tradition of preparing black coffee with milk was initially formed in France (Caféaulait, fr.), And only then spread throughout Europe. We offer to try a few recipes, and you will try each and determine the best way how to make coffee with milk.

Coffee with milk - a classic recipe

This coffee is served in most European cafes. The recipe is very simple and easy to learn even by those who do not like or can not cook.



Grind coffee beans in a dry clean frying pan (if the grains are already fried, skip this step). Cool the coffee, place in a coffee grinder and grind to a fine powder. Put the ground mass in a Turk, add water and put on a strong fire. Look after the coffee, otherwise it will run away (like milk). When coffee starts to rise in the Turk, immediately remove it from the fire. Leave the cooked beverage for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Slightly heat the milk. Coffee with milk is served in cups of larger volume than ordinary black coffee, or in glasses. Milk is often served in a creamer, so that everyone can pour in such a quantity that they like. Sugar is also served separately.

Coffee on milk

Coffee on milk has a completely different taste, it usually does not really like those who do not like boiled milk. In addition, coffee, cooked on milk, loses flavor, additional digestion of ground coffee leads to excessive extraction, so the drink becomes stronger and somewhat less useful. By the way, you can not cook coffee in a Turkish with milk. First, milk burns, and it will be difficult to wash the Turk. Secondly, a narrow part of the Turks creates a high temperature inside, so the drink will definitely run away.



First, make coffee: pour in water, pour in ground coffee and wait for the boil. Put it aside so that the precipitate is easier to strain. In a small, best-enamel saucepan pour a little water, rinse well and pour out the water. Pour in the milk and heat it. As soon as it starts to boil, add the boiled coffee. Leave the drink on low heat for no more than a minute, then let it brew for 5 minutes and serve. One of the drawbacks of this drink is that when it cools, a film is formed, which is not to everyone's taste.

Coffee with cinnamon and milk

One of the most traditional combinations is coffee with cinnamon. This spice makes the drink more interesting, piquant and more intense. In combination with a mild milk taste is very unusual.



Mix the ground coffee and cinnamon, brew black coffee in any convenient way for you - even in a Turk (Jezve, Ibrik), even in a geyser coffee machine. Pour the coffee into cups. Milk warm and serve separately in a creamer. You can add vanilla - too, will be very sought after. Such drinks not only have a pleasant taste, but also contribute to concentration.