Tomato juice - recipe

Tomato is one of the most useful vegetables, since tomatoes contain acids, which are necessary for metabolic processes, are useful for anemia, loss of strength and cardiovascular diseases. The juice made from tomatoes is very useful, because it is rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium, not to mention that it is also very tasty. The recipe for cooking tomato juice is simple enough so that it can be easily made at home, stored for winter and used for culinary purposes, forgetting about tomato paste and shop juices.

Recipe for homemade tomato juice



To make tomato juice, tomatoes are carefully washed, remove the pedicels, cut into slices and pass through the juicer. The resulting juice is poured into an enamel saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil over moderate heat and cook for 10 minutes, until the foam ceases to form. In the finished juice add salt, sugar, black pepper and other spices (for example: basil, or oregano) to taste. All mixed, immediately poured the drink on sterilized jars and roll. We put the closed cans down until the next day, and then we put it in a cool place: a cellar or a pantry.

Recipe for freshly squeezed tomato juice with celery



Tomatoes are mine, dried, cut into slices, we pass through a meat grinder, and then we rub the mass through a sieve. Put juice on a weak fire and bring to a boil. Celery is washed, crushed with small cubes and added to tomato juice. Then grind all blender to a homogeneous state, season with salt, pepper to taste and pour over clean jars.

Do you want to make more healthy home-made juices for your home? Then try out the recipes for carrot and cranberry juice .