Singer Mariah Carey was finally able to overcome excess weight

Among celebrities there are individuals who are extremely difficult to keep under control the volume of their body. American Mariah Carey is one of them.

However, the last photos of the singer prove the opposite: judging by them, Mariah managed to lose weight on a good 20 kilograms! The vocalist is very pleased with the result. She happily wore a tight coral-colored dress with open shoulders at the Thanksgiving parade to emphasize the thighs and flat stomach that were built up. Mariah simply does not know!

The secret of transfiguration

As you know, the singer meets with the billionaire and very soon going to go with him to the crown. Apparently the rapid change in status, and the rapid rise up with the help of a social elevator, forced the actress to properly take up her figure.

Insiders say that Carey adheres to the strictest diet, and also regularly performs cryoliposuction. Such procedures help to effectively get rid of volumes under the influence of minus temperature. And yet, they say that the personal chef of her fiancé James Packer closely monitors the diet of Mariah and treats her only with light meals.

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Specialists suppose, however, that only cryoliposuction was not done. This procedure can remove fat in the waist, and help get rid of the "double chin". Even one trip to a cosmetologist can give an excellent result. But losing 20 kg in such a short period of time is simply impossible! For sure, the pop star resorted to abdominoplasty, which helped her to remove fat around the waist and abdomen. Anyway, Mrs. Carey looks great, skillfully emphasizing the built-up figure with bright toilets.