Cruciferae flea - control measures

Noticing on the site of tiny black flies, which have chosen cabbage, radish, turnips or radishes, immediately prepare for the battle for the harvest, because this pest is cruciferous midges. Control measures can be different, but the main thing is that they are accepted in time.

Cruciferae are small jumping bugs of black, greenish or bluish color with a convex back and thick hind legs. It looks like a cruciferous flea as a completely harmless insect, but in fact it can destroy both the tops, and pods, and buds, and pedicels of plants belonging to the family of cruciferous. You should start fighting with cruciferous midges as early as possible, because in one day the pest can destroy all young shoots without exception!

We act without delay

Folk remedies for cruciferous midges are quite effective. You can lightly rub the soil around the affected bushes with a gauze bag with road dust and mothball (1: 1). The pest does not like it. Effective is also a mixture of tobacco dust , ash and hydrated lime in equal proportions.

If we talk about spraying, then it should be done by dew, that is early in the morning. Infusion of a liter of ash can, three liters of water and a few drops of liquid soap will scare the midges. However, spraying should be done up to six times with a five-day break. One of the methods to combat cruciferous flea is spraying with a solution of vinegar (a glass of vinegar (9%) per bucket of water), infusion of pressed garlic, green wormwood, dandelion leaves. The substances listed above scare the bugs off the beds.

It is necessary to take care of how to get rid of cruciferous midges and even prevent its appearance, in the early spring. Plant around the beds with cruciferous potatoes, cumin, tomatoes, dill, coriander. These plants release into the air substances that moths do not tolerate. The same properties have some flowers: marigolds, calendula, nasturtium.

Eco-friendly methods include small-drop watering, and shelter beds with non-woven material (lutrasil, spunbond or agrospam).

Helpful Tips

Do not use chemicals to protect early plant varieties. Getting rid of cruciferous fleas, you "pump" cabbage and other vegetables with substances that are harmful to the human body.