Potatoes "Tuleevsky" - description of the variety

In the diet of many families, potatoes take an honorable place. It is used for cooking first, second courses and even desserts. With the onset of spring farmers are thinking about what potatoes to plant on their site. There are a lot of potato varieties, but in this article we will tell about one of the most popular - "Tuleevsky". This Siberian medium-ripening variety is the result of the work of Kemerov breeders. But this does not mean that "Tuleyevsky" is a sort of potato, intended for planting exclusively in Siberia. It grows well in the middle and southern strip.

Description of garden culture

In recent decades, the potato variety "Tuleevsky" has been very popular with truck farmers. And this is not an exaggeration. Potatoes of this class are intended for consumption in food (table grade). The period of its maturation is mid-term. Love for Tuleyev's potato is associated with its extremely high yield. If you look after him properly, then from one hundred garden you can collect half a ton of potatoes! The description of the potato variety "Tuleevsky" will be incomplete, if not to mention its high resistance to scab, late blight , alternaria and many other diseases. Insects and harmful parasites do not cause significant damage to the crop with proper treatment. Potatoes are resistant to rot.

Important is the fact that this potato is well kept . Spoiled tubers and when harvesting, and with prolonged storage in the cellar or basement are almost absent. The potatoes themselves have a fairly large size. So, one tuber can reach a weight of half a kilogram. Sometimes potato grows to 600 grams!

With regard to taste, on a five-point scale potato tubers "Tuleevsky" were estimated by Russian experts at 3.59 points. This is a very high score for table grade. Such potatoes can be used for cooking, frying, stewing. It does not crumble, but it becomes soft. The tubers are very fragrant, slightly sweet.

In conclusion of a brief description of the potato variety "Tuleyevsky" it is worth mentioning that shrubs of this culture have a compact size and medium height. Inflorescences are dyed-white, potato tubers of regular oval form have yellowish flesh and yellowish-beige thin peel.

Rules of landing

If you decide to test this grade on your site, the seed potatoes "Tuleevsky" can be purchased in specialized stores. And it should be done a month before the planned landing. The fact is that the seed material needs to warm up properly and lie down. Seed potatoes are spread in a warm room with a layer of not more than 15-20 centimeters, avoiding direct sunlight. As a result of this simple reception in tubers, the production of corned beef is stimulated. This enzyme protects potatoes from diseases in cold weather and even small frosts.

Plant "Tuleyevsky" potatoes in furrows, cutting three days before planting the tubers into two parts. The distance between the holes should be at least 70 centimeters, and the depth - no more than 15 centimeters. Each lobule of the tuber should be treated with wood ash, and it is desirable to pour the grass on the bottom of the holes. Thanks to this litter tubers are not afraid of freezing. If the temperature has dropped to -3, it is recommended to cover the garden with straw or film.

Growing potatoes of this variety is practically the same as growing other varieties, but there are some nuances. So, watering the culture and fertilize with chemicals should not be, but it needs to be hilled three times (after the emergence, during flowering, after the withered wilted).