How to treat apple trees in the spring?

Crunchy, juicy, sweet apple is the favorite fruit of many of us. But before you get a perfect harvest on your own site, you'll have to work hard. Apple tree is a culture that needs annual treatment, both from pests and diseases. We will talk about how to treat apple trees in the spring and how to do this procedure correctly.

Than to process an apple tree trunk in the spring?

Without which it is impossible to imagine the spring care for the apple tree, it is without a whitewash of the tree trunk. It is necessary not only for disinfection from pests and diseases, but also as a good protection against sunburn. To do this, prepare a solution: use 2-3 kg of hydrated lime, which is poured 10 liters of water. After preparing the solution, they color the tree trunk, as well as one-third of the branches that branch off the trunk.

Young apple trees have an extremely vulnerable bark, which can be burned with lime for painting. That is why in the list of what to process apple seedlings in the spring, acrylic paint is a mansion. It does not have a negative effect, but its antifungal agents easily solve the problem.

Treatment of the apple tree crown in spring

Another stage of care for apple trees is spraying against diseases and their pathogens. It is produced before budding. If we talk about how to treat the apple tree in the spring from diseases, then for this purpose, suitable chemical preparations, such as Intra-Vir, Fufanon, Aktelyk and others. The second spraying is done after flowering. It is necessary to use preparations against pests, for example, "Bitoksibatsillin", "Fitoverm".

Still popular is spraying solution of copper sulfate. It is prepared by diluting 200 g of the substance in ten liters of water. Similarly, a spray solution is prepared from "Preparation 30".

As for how to handle apple trees in the spring from rot, then a solution of Bordeaux liquor 3% perfectly suits, which is prepared from 10 liters of water, 300 g of lime and 300 g of copper sulfate .

Treatment of wounds and injuries of apple trees in spring

If damage is found during the spring processing of the apple tree, additional procedures can not be avoided. Wounds with an influx are cleaned with a knife from damaged areas, and the idea is treated with a garden crock. It is sold in ready-made form in specialized stores. Also among the preparations, than you can treat the apple cut in the spring, special putties are popular, for example, "Blagosad", "Defender".