Beef stew

Stewed beef perfectly fits any holiday, and it is also good for every day. And if you add different vegetables to your taste in the dish, they will add flavor to the dish and make the taste more saturated. As a side dish, you can serve mashed potatoes , buckwheat porridge or boiled pasta.

Stewed Beef Recipe



We process beef and cut into fairly large pieces.

Then take a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the meat in there and fill it with a glass of boiling water. Add the fragrant pepper, bay leaf and bring to a boil. Simmer under a lid on a small fire for about 40 minutes. We clean the bulb, shred the semicircles, and chop the carrots with small blocks. When almost all the liquid is evaporated from the pan, pour the vegetable oil there, throw the onions, carrots and mix everything thoroughly. Increase the fire and fry the vegetables for 5-10 minutes. Then we pour a little more boiling water, season with spices, add the potato cut into strips and continue to put out the beef for about 1.5 hours.

Beef stewed in sour cream


For sauce:


Meat washed, soak with a napkin and cut into small pieces. Then lightly beat off them with a hammer and after that shinkle in thin strips. In the frying pan pour the vegetable oil, warm it up well and lay out neatly part of the meat. Fry it to a ruddy crust and pour it into the end to taste. So, in small portions fry all the meat and put it into the dishes, where we will prepare the dish. Mushrooms are processed, washed and boiled for 2 minutes. Next, we discard them in a colander and leave to make the glass all the water. After that, finely chop them and pass them on vegetable oil to a rosy color. Season with spices and spread them to the meat. Now we put the kazanoks on fire, pour a glass of warm water, add salt to taste and simmer on low heat, covering it with a lid. Do not waste time, we'll make the sauce. The bulb is cleaned, finely chopped and browned until transparent in vegetable oil, and carrots rubbed on a medium grater and add to onions. After 10 minutes, pour a spoonful of flour and mix thoroughly. Then we put low-fat sour cream, podsalivaem to taste and throw a pinch of sugar. Let the mixture simmer for 5 minutes, and pour the hot sauce over the meat with the mushrooms. Wish we add chopped finely fresh greens, and stew beef with mushrooms for 15 minutes on a slow fire until cooked.

Beef stewed with vegetables in a multivark



We process the meat, spread it into the bowl of the multivarquet and turn on the "Hot" mode. After 15 minutes, pour a little filtered water, season with spices and transfer the device into the "Quenching" mode. We set the time for 1.5 hours and by this time we prepare all the vegetables. The bulb is cleaned, shredded by half rings, and carrots and sweet peppers are cut into small cubes. After the beep, lay the vegetables to the meat, add the tomatoes in your own juice and stew for another half hour in the same mode. At the very end throw the finely chopped garlic and bring the dish until done.