Belching with air - treatment

Aerophagy can be caused by improper habits or a way of eating. In such cases, get rid of it easily by adherence to the regime of eating, the rejection of certain products. But if there are serious diseases, which are provoked by belching with air - the treatment is supposed to be complex. It should include special medications, diet correction, the use of herbal infusions and decoctions.

Treatment of a constant eructation by air

The symptom itself is not an independent disease, therefore before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to diagnose an ailment that led to the eruption.

First of all, you must observe the diet. The following products are prohibited:

Also it is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks, alcohol, including beer. It is better to give up smoking and the habit of chewing gum.

Gastroenterologists advise eating often, 4-5 times a day, while the average volume of food consumed should be 200-300 g.

A few more tips:

  1. Do not eat while walking.
  2. Trapeznichat only at the table, and not when watching TV, working at the computer.
  3. Do not talk while eating.
  4. Do not exercise immediately after eating (should take at least 2-3 hours).

Medications for belching air

As for medicines, they should be prescribed by the treating gastroenterologist.

When the production of enzymes is disturbed, such preparations are used:

To restore the balance of useful microflora in the intestines, drugs with a content of lacto- and bifidobacteria are used:

Often the cause of eructation is an increase in the production of gastric juice. In such cases, appoint:

Treatment of belching with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers several effective recipes based on the properties of natural juices and herbal infusions to improve digestion, normalize the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, bacterial balance, restore an acceptable production of hydrochloric acid.

The simplest and most effective remedy for belching is the daily intake of goat's milk, 1 glass after meal (three times a day). The therapy is long, about 2-4 months.

A mixture of freshly squeezed carrot and raw potato juices (in equal proportions) also helps. A glass of such a drink before dinner will save you from unpleasant sensations for a long time.

Folk remedies for burping air include recipes made from phyto-mixtures, for example:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of flax seeds, linden flowers, fennel seeds and peppermint leaves.
  2. About 5 g of the obtained phyto mixture should be infused into 200 ml of boiling water until completely cooled.
  3. Strain the solution and drink about a quarter of a standard glass 2 times a day.

Another tool:

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons of the flowers of chokeberry and its fruits, add 1 tablespoon of crushed root of ara.
  2. Approximately 10 g of this mixture pour a glass of clean cold water and leave for 60 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time, boil the solution, then let it cool and strain through gauze.
  4. Drink the medicine warm, 100 ml not more than 3 times a day, before eating.