Night Sweating in Women

Increased sweating affects many women. Some of them do not pay due attention to this, and others, doing more correctly, turn to the doctor and are looking for the cause of the problem in order to eliminate it. Night sweats are a symptom or result of many diseases, as well as disruption of some body systems. Depending on the cause of excessive sweating at night depends on which doctor you will refer therapist.

Causes of night sweats

As you already understood, there are several "culprits" for the appearance of night sweats, which can differ significantly from each other.

Endocrine disorders

First of all it is necessary to say about endocrine diseases, namely:


The next common cause of night sweating in women is infectious diseases. In this case, the main symptom is a high temperature, which provokes an increased sweating at night.


Sweating can also result from rheumatological disease. In this case, this symptom becomes a supplement to other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.


In some cases, sweating acts as a side effect of the drug, so the problem disappears immediately after the course of taking the drug has ended.


Oncologists are very attentive to the sudden appearance of night sweats in women, since it can become a symptom of the appearance of malignant neoplasms or lymphomas. Also, such a symptom may indicate leukemia or Hodgkin's disease .


There is another reason for the development of this negative manifestation in women - this is an acute poisoning, which also accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain.

Vegetosovascular dystonia

It is not uncommon for night sweats to appear in the evening . In this case, sweating heavily on the back, neck and scalp, so in addition to other problems, women often have to wash their hair.

Summarizing, it can be said that the sudden sweating is most often accompanied by other, more obvious, symptoms that more clearly characterize the root cause. If excessive sweating arose suddenly, it means that the body has developed and slowly develops a serious disease or disrupted the endocrine system.