Herpes sore throat

Herpes sore throat (herpangina, fesicular pharyngitis) is a fairly common acute infectious disease, which often affects children, but adults can also get sick. The pathology has received its name due to the fact that the eruptions that arise during it are similar to those that appear in a herpetic infection.

The causative agents of herpes sore throat

The main pathogens of infection are Coxsackie viruses of group A. Less commonly, the disease is caused by Coxsackie viruses in group B, as well as echoviruses. Infection is easily transmitted from person to person by airborne or fecal-oral route, there are also cases of infection from animals (for example, from pigs). In this case, you can get infected from both a sick person and a virus carrier without symptoms of infection.

The causative agents of herpes infection are ubiquitous. The disease is characterized by seasonality, - most cases are diagnosed in the autumn-summer period. The incubation period of herpes sore throat is one to two weeks, sometimes 3-4 days.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat

The main symptom of herpes sore throat, which distinguishes this disease from other types of angina, is the formation on the tonsils, the posterior wall of the pharynx, the sky, the tongue and the front of the oral cavity of small red bubbles with light grayish contents. Other manifestations of the disease are:

In some cases, patients also have stool disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. The fever can last about 5 days. Emerging vesicles eventually burst, and in their place can form small ulcers, covered with plaque, which often merge with each other (sign of attachment of bacterial infection). The healing usually takes 4-7 days. Patients are spreading the virus for about a week from the onset of the disease.

Complications of herpes sore throat

In the case of generalization of the pathological process, the following complications may develop:

Diagnosis of herpes sore throat is not difficult. As a rule, to diagnose a specialist, there are enough clinical manifestations of the disease. In some cases, a general blood test and serological tests are performed to identify antibodies to the pathogens.

How to treat herpes sore throat?

To prevent the development of such dangerous complications, the treatment of herpes sore throat should be timely and comprehensive.

Drug therapy in most cases is based on the following medications:

When joining a bacterial infection, it may be necessary to take broad-spectrum antibiotics. Local treatment includes rinsing and irrigation with antiseptic solutions. Effective for the removal of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, oak bark, etc.).

For the entire period of treatment is recommended abundant drink, rational nutrition, bed rest or sparing mode. It should be discarded from eating raw food and dishes that irritate the mucous membrane (acid, saline, acute). The patient should be maximally isolated to prevent infection of others.