Hand tremor - treatment

For sure, everyone faced a tremor of hands - a tremor that is especially noticeable with arms outstretched forward or with a purposeful movement. Self-control of the movement of the hands can be disturbed due to a strong emotional shock, fear, excitement, as well as physical stress, hypothermia. Trembling in the hands sometimes appears after taking some medications, drinking coffee or tea above the norm. Usually such tremor does not cause fear and disappears after elimination of the provoking factor. That is, special treatment in the above-described cases is not required.

But if the tremor is constant, lasts for more than a week or increases, then this is already a serious reason to call a doctor. How to remove (or reduce) hand tremor can be determined after a comprehensive diagnosis and elucidation of the cause of this phenomenon.

How to treat tremors of the hands?

Hand tremor is a common symptom of various diseases: Parkinson's disease , torsion dystonia, hepatolenticular degeneration, multiple sclerosis , thyrotoxicosis, liver cirrhosis, metal intoxication, etc. In these cases, the treatment is primarily aimed at getting rid of the underlying ailment. These pathologies should be differentiated from the essential, as well as alcoholic tremor of the hands, the treatment of which is carried out by other methods.

Treatment of essential hand tremor

Essential (family) tremor is a disease of the central nervous system, which is inherited and manifested by the only symptom - trembling (most often the hands, but also the legs, head, trunk, diaphragm, etc.). The disease has a different degree of severity, can manifest itself at different ages.

Treatment of essential tremor in most cases is limited to drug therapy. Widely used beta-blocker propranolol, which in most cases has a good and satisfactory effect, significantly suppressing tremor. However, due to contraindications, the drug can not be administered to certain groups of patients. In this case, the patient may be prescribed an anticonvulsant drug clonazepam.

The drug primidon has high efficiency. Also, drugs such as phenobarbital, calcium antagonists (flunarizine, nimodipine), topiramate, theophylline, gabapentin can be prescribed. Recently, intramuscular injections of botox, which affects the nerve endings, have been used to treat essential tremor. As a preparation of metabolic action, vitamin B6 is used.

In severe cases, when conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical intervention is recommended. It is possible to perform a stereotaxic operation on the ventrolateral nucleus of the visual hillock, as well as implantation of a neurostimulator to stimulate deep structures.

Treatment of alcoholic hand tremor

Alcoholic hand tremor occurs with chronic alcohol abuse and acute alcohol intoxication. Trembling of hands accompanies the state of hangover and alcohol withdrawal syndrome - a complex of physical and mental disorders in patients with alcoholism after stopping alcohol intake. In the latter case, hospitalization is required in a hospital where drug therapy with beta-blockers, tranquilizers, calcium antagonists, magnesium preparations, etc. will be performed.

Treating tremor of hands with folk remedies

  1. Prepare the infusion: 10 g Sage pour a glass of boiling water, insist 8 hours. Take a teaspoon after eating, washed down with milk or jelly.
  2. Sage bath before bed: 500 g of sage brew 8 liters of boiling water, insist half an hour, strain and add to the bath with warm water. The time of stay in such a bath is up to 20 minutes.
  3. Infusion for calming the nervous system: mix 30 g herb Leonurus, 40 g grass heather, 10 g root valerian, 30 g herb herbage; 4 tablespoons of the mixture brew with a liter of boiling water in a thermos bottle and press for about 8 - 10 hours. Drink all the infusion during the day in small doses.