Sigmoid cancer - the first symptoms

Malignant tumors in the sigmoid colon are very common. This is one of the most common types of oncology that can be diagnosed in the intestine. But if the tumor is detected in time, it will be possible to deal with it relatively quickly and simply. That's just for this you need to know the first symptoms of cancer of the sigmoid colon. And they are often confused with signs of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of Sigmoid Cancer

The fact that the cancer "chose" this body is a logical explanation. To all the fault is an unusual gut structure. Here there is formation of fecal masses. If the body lacks substances that stimulate intestinal peristalsis, the feces are retained in the organ and stretched along its entire length, which leads to a violation of blood circulation. Stagnant stools are dangerous for the body. They contain toxins that eventually become absorbed into the intestinal wall.

The following factors are considered to be indicative of the signs and symptoms of sigmoid colon cancer:

What symptoms of sigmoid cancer appear in the early stages?

At the first stage of sigmoid colon cancer, the size of the tumor does not exceed one and a half centimeters. The tumor may be located in the mucosa or on the submucosa of tissues. The disease only begins to develop, so there is no metastasis.

The main problem is that the first symptoms of sigmoid cancer are very rarely noticed. Symptoms of the disease are either not pronounced, or completely absent, or they simply do not pay attention to them. Nevertheless, they exist, and with them no one will be disturbed to read:

  1. One of the most striking symptoms of sigmoid colon cancer is digestive disorders . Typically, a sick person suffers from regular constipation, from time to time alternating with diarrhea. It's one thing, if something preceded such states, and quite another - if there are no apparent reasons.
  2. Usually tenderness in the left ileal region appears in the second or third stage. But in some organisms, the cancer behaves quite actively. The reason for the pain is intestinal obstruction. Usually unpleasant sensations are accompanied by bloating, constipation.
  3. Symptoms characteristic of sigmoid cancer include eructations, increased peristalsis, bloating, rumbling, nausea with vomiting, painful urge to defecate.
  4. Sometimes with oncology, feces appear in the feces, and blood veins are visible.
  5. In some women, symptoms such as weakness, severe weight loss , jaundice of the skin, pallor, deterioration of appetite, aversion to certain foods appear in the first stage of sigmoid colon cancer.
  6. Chills with fever are not the most common and very dangerous signs of oncology. If they take place, then the inflammatory process began.

Sigmoid cancer - treatment of the disease after the determination of symptoms

At the initial stage, the tumor is easier to remove. Minimally invasive and classical operations can be performed. Minimally invasive method is more modern. The operation is performed using a recomagnoscope. The device is inserted through the anus.

After a traditional operation, a kolostima is formed. Through it, gases and feces come out. Sometimes patients have to live with it, but in some cases everything is restored.