Total immunoglobulin E

Total immunoglobulin E (Ig E) is an important factor of anthelmintic response and an indicator of allergic reactions of immediate type. The Ig E test is used to diagnose various allergies and helminthiases (atopic dermatitis, urticaria, atopic bronchial asthma).

What is the common immunoglobulin E?

Total immunoglobulin E protects the various external mucous membranes of the body by local activation of effector cells and plasma factors by inducing an inflammatory reaction. Unlike other types of immunoglobulins (D, M, A, G), it causes sensitization of tissues to allergens, which ensures the rapid development of an allergic reaction. Ig E is produced locally. This occurs mainly in the submucosal layer of various tissues, which is constantly in contact with the external environment. It can be:

When the allergen enters the human body, it interacts with the common immunoglobulin E. This process is accompanied by the release of histamine cells and various active substances on the membrane of which Ig E is fixed. Their entry into the intercellular space leads to the instantaneous development of the local acute inflammatory reaction. It manifests itself in the form:

It can also form a general systemic reaction (usually in the form of anaphylactic shock).

Why and how to analyze the immunoglobulin E?

The analysis for general immunoglobulin E is used for the diagnosis of various atopic allergic diseases and for the detection of parasitic infestations. To diagnose an allergy, it is not enough just to find out that the total Ig E is elevated in the blood. It is necessary to identify the causative allergen and specific antibodies against it. But the level of Ig E allows you to quickly differentiate allergic inflammatory diseases from infectious diseases that have a similar clinical picture, and also to identify hereditary allergic diseases and to choose adequate treatment.

Before taking the general immunoglobulin E, no special training is necessary. It is necessary only not to eat before the analysis. Most often, such a laboratory test is prescribed for:

Angioedema and chronic recurrent urticaria are not direct indications for the determination of total immunoglobulin E, since they are of a non-immune nature.

What does the increase in IgE concentration indicate?

The material for the determination of total immunoglobulin E is whole blood serum. Elevated levels of Ig E in it are noted when:

An increase in the concentration of total immunoglobulin E is always observed with atopic dermatitis, serum sickness, Lyell's syndrome and drug allergy. Sometimes the Ig E level is higher than normal, if a person has a helminthic infestation, a syndrome Wiskott-Aldrich or hyperimmunoglubulinemia.

Features of the interpretation of the results of Ig Ig analysis?

Low total immunoglobulin E indicates that a person has ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency. Are the results of the analysis normal? This does not exclude the presence of allergic manifestations. For example, 30% of patients with atopic diseases have Ig E levels within the norm. In addition, some people with bronchial asthma can have sensitivity to only one allergen. As a consequence, they have a common Ig E can always be within the normal range.