Heart palpitations - reasons, treatment

Tachycardia, that is, heart palpitations - is not a disease, but one of the manifestations of some malfunctions in the body. The causes and treatment of rapid heart rate depend on our lifestyle, level of exercise and general physical condition.

The main causes of attacks of rapid heart rate

Causes of sudden rapid heartbeat happen different. They can be associated with both illness and external factors. Here is a brief list of the main disorders that cause tachycardia:

As you can see, many of the causes of tachycardia are not directly related to the work of the heart and are caused by changes in the functions of other organs and extraneous factors.

Treatment of rapid heartbeat

Most often the causes of rapid heartbeat at night become excessive emotional experiences, which our brain after a hard day continues to repeat in a dream. In this case, it is best to take natural sedative - tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort. If you have any kind of heart disease, it makes sense to take the usual medicine. It can be nitroglycerin, Corvalol, Cardicet and other drugs with a quick effect, which were recommended by a doctor.

The causes of rapid heart rate after eating are usually covered in too much servings, or fatty foods. In this case, you can drink a drug that facilitates digestion - Mezim, or Festal. If the phenomenon is regular, we strongly recommend that you review your eating habits and think about adjusting the diet to a greater diet. Also, heart palpitations cause an excess of sugar and caffeine.

When heartbeat after eating, it is important to exclude the possibility of poisoning. Tachycardia, combined with bouts of nausea, dizziness and general weakness - an occasion to seek medical help and call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, you can try to rinse your stomach.

Rapid palpitation can be treated with folk remedies. Very good showed themselves such herbs as mint, lemon balm and chamomile field. Sometimes, in order to calm the tachycardia, it is enough to drink a glass of mint tea.

Since tachycardia is not a disease but a symptom, it is very important to find out what exactly caused it. If the seizures are repeated regularly, you need a complete examination of the body and a cardiogram. After it is determined, you have shortened the period of systole (cardiac spasm), or diastole (the period of heart rest between shocks), you can begin treatment of rapid heartbeats with drugs. They are selected by the doctor, based on an analysis of all the cumulative symptoms and results of the research.

If you do not have the opportunity to measure the pulse, but there is a suspicion of tachycardia, a violation of the heart can be traced according to such symptoms:

The easiest way to normalize the heart rhythm in extreme conditions is through deep and even breathing.

Try to take deep breaths and exhale the air from your lungs completely. It is also important to provide physical peace and stop any motor activity. If the condition does not return within a few minutes, you need to see a doctor.