Non-narcotic analgesics

From the name of a group of these drugs you can guess what they are and what they are used for. Non-narcotic analgesics are painkillers that are available in each medicine cabinet. About what they are drugs, why they are called non-narcotic, what effect they have on the body and when they are taken, we will tell below.

What are narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics?

So, analgesics are drugs that can suppress pain, for which they got a simpler and clear name in the people - "painkillers". Just in case, these tablets should be stored in any medicine cabinet, although it is not recommended to consume them in large quantities with or without.

All analgesics are conditionally divided into two categories:

  1. Narcotic analgesics are drugs based on morphine. In medicine, they are called - "derivatives of morphine". Morphine is a very powerful remedy, therefore, of course, analgesics, made on its basis, act quickly and effectively. But there is one problem: they are addictive with frequent admission.
  2. Non-narcotic analgesics are the second subgroup and an excellent alternative to narcotic morphine medicines. Of course, they act a little slower, but they can boast of a harmless composition (how harmless can the composition of the medication). In addition, non-narcotic analgesics are not addictive.

Although the second group of analgesics seems completely harmless, it is also not recommended to take them uncontrollably. Much more correctly from frequent pains to get rid of a campaign to the doctor, inspection and complex treatment.

Non-narcotic analgesics - mechanism of action and classification

Non-narcotic analgesics can reduce the activity of the enzyme that causes pain. Most drugs can also have anti-edematous effect. After receiving non-narcotic energetics, the vessels expand, which leads to an increase in heat transfer. And this means that when taking analgesics, the body temperature may drop slightly. Some of them are used as antipyretic agents.

The most popular non-narcotic analgesics drugs are listed below:

  1. Analginum is the first medicine that comes to mind when mentioning analgesics. It belongs to the number of pyrazolone derivatives and is characterized by rapid solubility.
  2. Paracetamol is an antipyretic analgesic. Its composition is practically non-toxic. Paracetamol helps to effectively lower temperature and save from headaches.
  3. Pyramidone - a strong analgesic non-narcotic, which is usually prescribed for rheumatic pain.
  4. Citramon and aspirin are another pair of known analgesics. Means help get rid of headaches of different origins, including under pressure.
  5. Ibuprofen is a powerful anesthetic that can suppress any kind of pain.

Askafen, Asfen, Butadion, Fenacetin, Indomethacin, Naproxen are all non-narcotic analgesics, and they can be listed continue for a long time.

Call the most powerful non-narcotic analgesic is not easy. Everyone chooses an "on duty" analgesic depending on the characteristics of the body: some to get rid of the headache, it will be enough aspirin tablets, while others will have to save something not weaker than ibuprofen.

The main thing is not to get carried away. It's one thing if analgesics are drunk once every five years "on a special occasion," and quite another - when the tablets are swallowed daily. The specialist will certainly be able to suggest a safer option to solve the problem, well, or help pick the most suitable analgesic.