Why does not the child gain weight?

You have a baby and everyone is looking forward to when will this first and exciting weigh-in. And so, they waited, but the result made you worried not only you, but also the doctor.


The pediatrician will explain to you why the child does not gain weight as actively as it should, and what are the reasons for this. One of the problems may be your milk, especially if after the birth you decide to lose weight. And also heredity, laziness of the baby sucking the breast and many other reasons.

Also, it is worth worrying if the child does not grow and does not gain weight immediately after birth or several months after. Below is a table that shows the parameters of the rate of growth and weight gain for babies up to a year.

If you excluded the previously named reasons, and the child does not eat well, sluggish, perhaps with a low temperature, then without consulting a pediatrician you can not do. This will eliminate a number of diseases that affect the growth and weight of the baby, but whose treatment must necessarily begin with the earliest childhood.

Children from one to six

If a child does not gain weight after a year, there may be several reasons:

  1. The active kid. As you know, the older children become, the less weight they gain. Look narrowly at your crumbs, if he is mobile, active, correctly develops and knows everything that a kid of his age should do, then there is no cause for concern.
  2. Diseases. Another reason that a child does not gain weight, can be all sorts of diseases: the endocrine system, the gastrointestinal tract, hereditary, etc. In this case, only the doctor will help, having appointed a series of tests and examining the baby.
  3. Lack of appetite. It happens that children refuse to eat and feed the crumb very much. The best option is a game. Think of a story, for example, about spaceships-spoons and the garage, in which they fly. And also try, at least for the first time, to feed the child, what he loves. And for a good appetite, encourage, for example, candy.

Seven or older

In addition to serious diseases and lack of appetite, there may be psychological reasons.

  1. Stress. Children of this age, just like adults, may experience psychological discomfort. It can be a school or a result from a meeting with their peers on the street. In any case, you need to find out the reason, in order not to aggravate the situation. If this you can not do it yourself, visit a psychologist.
  2. First love. This should not be forgotten. Perhaps the reason for your daughter's refusal from food is that she wants to be more slender and like the boy. Explain to her that eating for the sake of preserving her own health will still have to, only more healthy food.

So, what to do if your child does not gain weight depends on the age of the baby and how he behaves. If you are concerned about his behavior, it is better to consult a doctor, and if this is stress, then try to eliminate the cause.