How to get out of the condoms?

In order to understand. I got a guy or girl in the Frenchzone or not, you first need to understand for yourself what is a Friendzone.

What is a Frenchzone?

Frenchzone in the literal translation means a zone of friends or a friend's zone. This means that the guy or girl is included in the circle of friends or girlfriends of a particular girl or boyfriend. Accordingly, all communication with a friend from the Frenchzone is usually reduced to talking on the phone, pay for life, borrowing money until better times, or, as some do, to disrupt your anger or resentment. There were never any love relations in the Frenchzone, and it can not be. So the guy can not imagine in his thoughts that now the girl is his friend, but then a miracle will happen, and she will see how good he is and fall in love with him without a memory. This will never happen.

How to understand that you are in the Frenchzone?

In order to understand whether the guy is in the girl's frendzone or not, you do not need to have seven spades in the forehead. If a girl does not want to meet a guy live, but prefers to chat with him on the phone, especially when discussing their problems and the problems of girlfriends, it says one thing, the guy was in the Frenchzone.

Also, if a guy earns well enough or has well-to-do parents, then from the girl's side there may be requests such as "buy me this, and then I'll give you money." Usually money does not come back, but the guy is waiting and hoping for the manifestation of feelings from his beloved.

How to get out of the condoms?

In order to get out of the friendly zone there are several options. The very first and most important option is to try to change yourself, because if a girl is not interested in a guy as an object of adoration, then the young man is simply not interested in it. It is necessary to try to correct this situation.

The most important thing in this situation is to turn your attention to something else: you have to go in for sports or go on a trip, find yourself some hobby. Do not focus on this girl and then, when she starts to understand that the guy with whom she was just friends was much more interesting and attractive than she thought, and she will start looking for meetings with him.

The second option for leaving the Frenchzone is the abyss from her world. That is, do not answer calls, do not go to social networks, so that the girl felt that something is wrong and she would start looking for her friend, even if she is simply bored, it will be a definite plus. For a long time, a guy can not be lost if he does not want the girl to completely forget him. Approximately five days. These two options are best for getting out of the girl's girlfriend.

How to get out of a girl from a friendlyzone?

The most important thing for a girl to stop being a friend for a guy is by any means awakening his jealousy . Jealousy is a strong feeling, if you wake him up in a guy, he will turn mountains to have the object of his adoration. But to flirt and cause jealousy of the guy should be in moderation, so that in the end it does not grow into hatred.

Also it is worth trying to change your image. Change the hairstyle, make-up, make a new manicure, change the style of clothes. It is necessary to change your image in such a way as to show all the femininity that nature has given to the girl. It is necessary to try to do everything so that he does not see a girlfriend in the girl with whom you can just shabby about life. It is necessary that he felt himself to be a defender who could save the girl from all misfortunes. Such a fragile, tender and vulnerable. But the main thing in this task is not to overdo it.