How to save money?

You really want to save money for any major purchase, or maybe for a rest, a car, an apartment , a wedding, in general, anything. But you can not do it? Nothing wrong! Today we will answer your question: "how to save money?" Moreover, we will tell you how to save a lot of money!

To fulfill your dream you will not have to restrain yourself in buying and postpone every kopeck, which is actually one of the ways. You just need to establish your relations with money , that is, to some extent understand the money and adhere to our simple advice how to save money:

  1. First of all, pay yourself. That is, start thinking like the world's largest cash machines: "First pay all taxes, and with the remaining capital do what you want." All of your costs are settled by themselves if you first set aside some amount of money, and then go shopping. One has only to try to postpone the money, and you will forever forget the saying "a penny a ruble is saving".
  2. Plan all your expenses. Do not spend half of your salary on sandals or a mini-bikini , which looks at you from the counter of a boutique. After all, the truth is better to buy the same sandals and a swimsuit at the sale, and for the accumulated amount of money to go to the sea. By the way, as for discounts! They are generally better avoided. The fact is that after seeing the seductive signboard "Attention! Discounts! "We literally turn into zombies. People start to buy something that they absolutely do not need. For example, you might think that you will not last a day without those tempting hot pebbles for massage or, say, completely unnecessary boots for you in the summer, but if you had not had a discount you would never have thought to spend so much money on "this ".
  3. Never tell anyone that you have decided to save money. How to properly save money? Silently, my dear, in silence! Money is always and everything is needed and no one will refuse to receive them with less energy. It is always easier to ask for loans from a friend from a piggy bank for an indefinite time, rather than to earn money. Do you need it? Simplify your life. Do not tell anyone about your piggy bank. Studies have shown that American millionaires do not go to expensive restaurants and boutiques. Moreover, they live in ordinary areas and their neighbors often do not even realize that a millionaire lives next to them.

How to save money for a car?

To answer the question "how can I save money for a car?" You will first have to decide on the brand of the car and its cost. It is not easy to save money, but it's not for you to borrow or take a loan. There are many ways out of this situation. For example, you can find additional earnings and completely put it on the machine. If you do not have such an opportunity, you will have to save some of your salary.

Establish a separate bank card, on which you will each month put a certain amount of money. Determine for yourself this amount and say, every month of the tenth day, replenish your "accumulative" card. The most important thing here is to stick to the schedule. Negligent attitude will not help you to save the necessary amount, and if this month you put on account less than a thousand, in the hope that in the next you will cover it, then you are unlikely to get something.

How can I save money for a car very quickly? Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to take money out of the piggy bank, and then you will slowly and surely approach your dream and believe me, very soon you will go on your new car to meet the wind.