How to open a candy store from scratch?

Trade in food products, and especially bakery products, was, is and will be a stable, promising and profitable business . But those who want to make confectionery for sale, it is necessary to get acquainted with the nuances of the organization of this enterprise. Since opening a confectionery from scratch - later in the article.

How to open a confectionery - step by step guide

  1. Develop a business plan, because you need to understand if there is enough money to organize this business.
  2. It is necessary to calculate spending on renting a room, buying appliances and equipment, taxes, advertising and wages to employees.
  3. If the funds are not enough, it is necessary to find out whether the bank will give a loan.
  4. Only after this, you can go to the authorities and collect documents. It will be necessary to register the IP, register with the tax and social organizations, get "good" from the sanitary and fire stations and firefighters.

How can I open a confectionery at home?

As practice shows, a business will require a substantial investment and if a large amount for an entrepreneur is unaffordable, you can organize baking and selling products at home using your own oven and improvised appliances. The main thing is to invent something original, which no one else had to interest the buyers. And you can implement through social networks , forums or advertise in a newspaper. If a person owns culinary art, then his staff can consist of only one person - himself.

How can I open a confectionery store from scratch, combining a cafe and a bakery?

To all the above described, you will need premises, equipment, refrigerators, and also a warehouse, a toilet and a washing room. Do not forget about the establishment of supplies and the sale of goods. Be clean, friendly and able to serve the client so that he wishes to come to this place again.