Feeding in 4 months on artificial feeding

According to the recommendations given by pediatricians to young mothers, the time for the introduction of the first complementary feeding in children who are on artificial feeding is 4 months. Sometimes, due to the presence of any pathology in the child, the lure can be introduced at 6 months.

Features of the introduction

Many inexperienced mothers have difficulty with the introduction of complementary foods, especially in cases where the child eats only a mixture. Before them there is a lot of questions: where to start feeding a child, how to enter it, if the child is 4 months old, and he is on artificial feeding?

If you follow the recommendations of doctors, then it's better to start with porridge. It can be any (rice, buckwheat, wheat). Over time, the child will develop a taste, and his mother, knowing his preferences, will feed him with his favorite porridge.

In addition to cereal, vegetable or fruit puree (zucchini, pumpkin, apple, prune and others) can serve as the first dish for complementary foods.

To introduce complementary feeding with artificial feeding is necessary in small portions, starting literally with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume. At the same time, it is not recommended to introduce each new food earlier than 2 weeks after the first one.

How to enter?

  1. New to the baby dish should be given only before feeding it with milk. Increasing with each day a portion of complementary foods, the mother should reduce the amount given to her baby's milk formula, otherwise it will always overeat. As a rule, according to this scheme, one feeding is completely replaced by a lure in a week, that is, when the portion of complementary food becomes 150 g.
  2. Similarly, after about 3 weeks, another 1 feeding is replaced, instead of which the mother gives the child another lure. Thus, by the 7th month of life, 2 breastfeeding is completely replaced by complementary feeding. Giving them is better in the morning and evening.
  3. At 8 months as a complementary foods allowed to use sour-milk products. It is more expedient to use products of industrial production.

Thus, the mother, knowing that the first lure is introduced in infants on artificial feeding in 4 months, has the right to choose what to feed her child. Choose a product for complementary foods based on the preferences of the baby. In order to determine them, it is enough to give a teaspoon, and the reaction to understand whether she likes it or not.

To facilitate the choice of a young mother will help the table, which lists all possible lures, starting from 4 months for babies, both on artificial feeding, and for those who are breastfeeding.