Animal Protection Day

Every year on the whole planet the International Day of Animals celebrates which falls on October, 4th. This event is aimed at awakening people's responsiveness to smaller brothers, rendering feasible assistance in solving current problems of various types of funds, organizations and so on. Some animals are worshiped separately, for example, purrs receive additional attention on World Cat Day .

The history of the International Day of Homeless Animals

Supporters of the movement for the protection of animals, it was decided to celebrate this day in 1931, in Florence. The date was not chosen at all by chance and timed to coincide with the death of one of the most respected saints of the Catholic Church.

It was from this moment on that many organizations around the world began to popularize the World Animal Protection Day, unite their efforts to help the younger brothers and seek to give the holiday an official status. This has borne fruit, and in 1986 the European Council approved the celebration of World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals.

How does the Animal Day celebrate?

In all countries of the world, the International Fund for their Protection is the initiator of events for the Day of Animals. Celebration consists of a variety of actions, demonstrations, charity auctions and pickets aimed at awakening people's sense of responsibility and compassion. There is an opportunity to participate in solving the most acute problems and issues related to stray animals, to provide them with possible assistance or simply to become a volunteer.

Within the limits of the celebration of the International Day of Animal Protection training courses are also conducted on how an ordinary person can help save the ecology, keep the environment clean, be useful to animals and so on.

The International Day for the Protection of Animals is becoming more popular every year and is gaining a greater scale of celebrations. In developed European countries are free vaccinations of stray animals, their sterilization and attempts to put in good hands. The organizers of the Day of Stray Animals are trying with all their efforts to draw the attention of the authorities to the pressing problems of their movement and are trying to achieve the adoption of the appropriate legislative framework for the protection of fauna and fauna. However, this does not mean at all that the safety of pets has slipped away from their attention, since it is the person who is responsible for tamed pets .

"The advanced countries", which began to actively celebrate the Day of the protection of animals, have become Russia, France, Italy, the United States and so on.