Decoration for Halloween

If you, following the traditions of some countries, decided to arrange a holiday in the Night of All Saints (Halloween), then there is no way to do without a special design of the house. And that the holiday was a success and the guests appreciated all your efforts, you can recommend a few not very costly ideas.

Halloween - design ideas

In those countries where the celebration of Halloween is an ancient national tradition, to acquire certain attributes is quite simple and not problematic. In specialized shops you will be offered black wreaths decorated with coffins and skulls, sold for weight, like apples. You can buy a machine for blowing out an artificial mist, statues of horrible ghosts in full growth, pinyat models (piñata - hollow toy, inside which a surprise can be hidden) in the form of big and small bats and much more. But do not despair and despair. Turn the process of registration of the holiday into an exciting and fun action, connect the imagination, and then your Halloween really will be unforgettable.

If you are planning to celebrate Halloween long before the Night of All Saints, you can stock up randomly received items throughout the year, which you can later use as decorations for the holiday. What could it be? - a statuette in the form of a ghost or a black cat, a decorative skull or some other horror story. To decorate the premises on Halloween, you can use any improvised materials, for example, ordinary black garbage bags, but only the largest. From them you will get magnificent rustling curtains on the windows, it is only necessary to cut them in the form of a rectangle and attach it to the cornice. By the way, the window itself can be decorated, for example, with cobwebs. It is easy to "weave" out of PVA glue mixed with white paint. To do this, on a smooth horizontal surface, for example on a mirror or glass, draw a mixture of glue and paint pattern in the form of a web. When the glue dries, the "web" can be easily removed and then glued to the window. The walls can be decorated with silhouettes of owls, cats, rats, bats and other eerie animals, carved from black paper. Fun fun, but also want to eat. Take care of the "festive" design of the table. It can be covered with a black cloth, put on candles (preferably red or orange, and if lucky enough to find - black).

More ideas

Another interesting idea of ​​decoration for Halloween is the decoration with balloons. Since Halloween is dominated by a black and orange color scheme in the decor, the room or any other room can be decorated with garlands of orange and (or) black balls, under the ceiling run balloons filled with helium, in the form of pumpkins, ghosts, bats, spiders or another evil spirits. Balls collected in the form of an arch, you can effectively decorate the front door. And in order not to suffer from inflating balls, contact a specialized firm for the design of festivities and celebrations. Here you will be pleased to help in the design of the holiday.

And, of course, the design for Halloween can not be considered complete without an indispensable attribute - a lamp from the pumpkin Jack Lantern. Here it is necessary to exert some effort to carve a mug from a pumpkin. To do this, choose the most brightly colored, the most proportional pumpkin. Then cut off the tip and clean the seeds and flesh with a spoon. Using a template (ready or painted by yourself), we sew the contours of the picture on the pumpkin with an awl. With a sharp knife with a short blade, carefully and without hurrying, we cut out the pattern on the pumpkin. When the lamp gets its "face", it remains only to come up with a highlight. It can be a candle, a flashlight or even an electric New Year's garland.

Scary Halloween!