World Egg Day

Every housewife knows that it is impossible to cook many culinary dishes without eggs. This universal food is popular in many cuisines around the world. Eggs can be eaten in a variety of ways: in fried eggs and scrambled eggs, omelettes , casseroles, etc. We use egg whites to make meringues , and the yolk is indispensable in mayonnaise and sauces.

Chicken egg is very useful. It contains easily digestible protein and amino acids, vitamins B6, B12, A, elements such as zinc, phosphorus, iron. In this case, only one egg contains 75 calories. Egg yolk - a source of nutrients, without which the correct operation of the brain and the cardiovascular system is impossible. It has a beneficial effect on the memory of a person. Therefore, eggs are considered to be one of the indispensable dietary products. Scientists have proved that by eating an egg, a person is saturated for a longer time than when using, for example, a sandwich. In addition, the egg is one of the most affordable products for many people to date.

When is World Egg Day celebrated?

At the end of the last century, namely 1996, the annual International Egg Commission was held in the Austrian capital, Vienna, at which delegates were invited to approve an international holiday - World Egg Day. And to celebrate it was decided annually on the second Friday in October.

So what is this holiday - World Egg Day? Celebrate this day, all lovers of eggs - this useful and delicious product. After all, it is impossible to imagine any cuisine in the world in which chicken, quail, ostrich and other eggs were not used in one form or another.

Producers of eggs all over the world like a holiday that advertises their products, so they are often the sponsors of this event. On World Egg Day various fun festivals, comic egg throwing contests, culinary competitions are held. In honor of this day various professional seminars are organized, on which the questions of correct and healthy nutrition are raised. This holiday can not do without holding charity events.

How do they celebrate the holiday of eggs in different countries?

In 2015, World Egg Day was held on 9 October. During this day, in many countries, volunteers were invited to listen to a lecture on the benefits of eggs.

In Austria, during the week before the date when World Egg Day is celebrated, a program is broadcast on television, in which chefs cook different dishes from eggs and explain their useful qualities and properties. On the Day of the Egg, a conference of representatives of this branch of agriculture was held, which described how the industry develops, as well as its prospects. Prominent doctors on this day are popularly explained how useful eggs are. The celebration ended with the launch of a balloon in the shape of an egg, which for a whole month will attract attention of both the inhabitants of Vienna and their guests.

In the United States, a whole marketing campaign was developed on the topic "Dishes from eggs and ways to prepare them." The holiday was widely advertised in newspapers and on television.

Hungary celebrates World Egg Day, holding an annual egg a festival that many tourists and residents of the country are eager to attend. It takes place with music, dancing and tasting dishes from eggs.

World Egg Day is celebrated on the far-off island of Mauritius. On this day, two huge omelettes were cooked. They were divided into parts and distributed to the poor population of the island.

Interest in the celebration of the World Day of Eggs is increasing every year, and an increasing number of countries are joining this holiday. Do not bypass this holiday and the media, which cover the celebration of the Egg Day, thereby contributing to the popularization of this unusual holiday so far.