Divination by playing cards for the future

Since ancient times people have been making different attempts to look into their future. Divination by playing cards for the future is popular for many years. There are many different ways of predicting, but they all have a few basic rules that are definitely worth considering. First of all it concerns the deck, which should be new and only contact with your energy. It is important to conduct a divination with a clearly stated question, since any uncertainty will be deplorable. Treat fortune telling with utmost responsibility and with great faith.

Divination in the near future on playing cards

Take the deck and shuffle it well, presenting your future. Then remove some of the top cards with your left hand to yourself and put five cards in a row. Repeat the removal and on top of the already existing maps lay out another row. When this is done, repeat it again. As a result, you must have five piles of three cards on the table. Another card should be put aside. It remains only to interpret the guesswork on playing cards for the next fate:

A card set aside will tell you what can help improve your life. The interpretation of each card should be done separately, and find their meaning here.

Simple guessing on playing cards

Take your deck for fortune-telling and guess a significator - a card that symbolizes a fortune-teller or a person who is guessing. This is usually a lady or a king, but not a peak. The deck should be properly shuffled, and you continue to mix cards until you feel at the energy level that you should stop. After this, move the top card to the bottom of the deck. The next step is to lay out all the cards in four piles, and then, take the one in which the mysterious significator turns out to be. The selected stack should be laid out in three rows of three cards, moving from left to right. It only remains to decode the maps from the well-known values ​​that can be found here.

Precise guessing on playing cards

There is a simple guessing, which makes it possible to understand whether the desired will become a reality in the near future. You can ask a question about any field of activity, like work or love . Holding the deck in your hands, think about your question, and then, clearly ask it. Stir and remove the card, which will answer the question asked.

Interpretation of true divination on playing cards:

  1. If the card dropped from 6 to 10, then if the number is even, then the answer is "yes", and if odd, then "no".
  2. Jack of red suit means that the desire will come true, but if you put all the forces to do it. If the suit is black - do not expect that the desire will come true.
  3. The lady of the red suit means that the desire will come true, but thanks to the help of some woman. With the fall of the black suit, you can not doubt that the desire does not come true because of the actions of some woman.
  4. The king of the red suit says that the conceived will become a reality, thanks to the help of an adult male. If the suit is black, then some man will do everything so that the desire does not come true.
  5. Ace of red suit symbolizes that luck on your side and you can realize any of your dreams. If it was a black suit, it means, it's not worth counting on the realization of the conceived in the near future.

It is important not to ask the cards for the same thing, if the answer is not arranged, and it is best to conduct the repeated guessing after some time.