Divination by birthday

Do you really want to know what surprises and surprises fate has prepared for you in the near future? An excellent time for fortune telling will be the eve of your birthday. This divination before the birthday is done once a year. The optimal time for the ritual is the first half of the day. If you want to get reliable results, then you need to retire, concentrate and tune in to the right wave.

Divination by birth date

Initially, you need to get your birth number. To do this, add up all the digits of your birthday. Suppose that you were born on March 27 in 1991. Then you will get the following:

2 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 31 = 3 + 1 = 4

So, we get a vibrating number 4. The number of your birth is one of the most important factors in numerology. It remains constant throughout your life. It gives great information about the character of a person, destiny and karmic lessons.

Number 1

A symbol of power, greatness, ambition and glory. People with this birth number should be leaders. They always set a high standard for themselves. To achieve the goal you need to go straight ahead, straight ways. Try to avoid selfishness. In addition, we advise you to be extremely cautious and circumspect. Also, do not forget about the interests of others to avoid conflict situations and not make enemies. Following these tips, you are guaranteed to achieve high development.

Number 2

It is a symbol of steadiness. The character of Dvoyk, as a rule, is very soft and tactful. Also these people are characterized by traits such as discretion, wisdom and tranquility. This is the number of balance and contrast, so the holders of number two must take all the tests prepared by fate for them and put up with them. People with "deuce" are good ideological inspirers, but the role of the performer is not for them.

Number 3

These people disclose their main features in their childhood. These include acute intelligence , easy learning new knowledge and hidden talents. To achieve their own goals, people will use the simplest ways, and this will interfere with the disclosure of abilities in full. He also likes to do everything that will benefit him. Threesome people like to live beautifully, they need constant entertainment and communication with interesting people. If the number of your birthday is three, and you want to achieve success, then tune in for a long work and have patience.

Number 4

"Four" means an industrious and calm person who is wary of risk. People with a birth number are four reliable and honest, not tolerant of deceit and lies. If your number is four, then try to set a high bar in front of you, otherwise you risk depleting. But still, this number contributes to the development of knowledge and skills in the chosen activity.

Number 5

Symbolizes a person who loves discovery, travel and extreme. Fives like unusual in everything. They easily learn new languages ​​and cultures from different countries. Unpredictable personalities who are always looking forward, but often miss out on more opportunities.

Number 6

People are honest, reliable and frank. They are ambitious enough, they want to achieve respect and disposition of people around them. They love, when a harmonious atmosphere reigns around them. Being in a good mood, such people radiate joy and warmth. Usually they do not seek career growth, they are satisfied with what they already have.

Number 7

Seven is considered the most mysterious and mystical number, symbolizes wisdom and mystery. People with a birth number of seven are industrious, have a good imagination and strong intuition. Number of creative personalities.

Number 8

This day of birth symbolizes commercial talent. Sevens are businessmen, businessmen. They always have successful implementation of set goals and plans, high efficiency and powerful energy. Strong character and the desire for success, the ability to be a leader and manage the team.

Number 9

Strong talented person with acute intelligence. They will make a splash in the field of art and creativity. Under this number artists, scientists and inventors are often born. Success depends on the motivation of the person.

Also we would like to tell you about fortune-telling on the first birthday.

Divination for the first birthday

For any mom, the first birthday of a child is a special event. And not for nothing around this holiday there is a huge the number of signs, superstitions and divination. Try to find out the future of your baby with the help of the ritual described below. Such fortune telling is done only on the eve of the first birthday.

Put a few items in front of your baby, and see what your child grabs. Depending on the choice of the child, it is believed that in the future it is waiting for: