Divination by the Carnival

Shrovetide week is the most suitable time for a variety of entertainment and delicious food. And in Russia were very popular fortune telling on Shrovetide. With their help it was possible to find out about what the coming year will be like.

Fortune-telling on Shrovetide

The most part will take and the fortune-telling for Shrove Tuesday is connected with the main symbol of the holiday - with pancakes.

Special attention was always paid to the first and last pancake. The saying "the first pancake was lumpy" by the Russian people was not invented in vain. After all, only with the most skillful hostess did the initial blinch turn out to be beautiful and even, did not stick to the frying pan. If the girl started to bake on Maslenitsa and she immediately managed the first pancake, then this year she will successfully marry. And for the last pancake they always argued - to whom he will get, to that and the bridegroom will come.

Also it was necessary to count the number of blink, left after the guests. None - marriage will certainly happen this year, many - so many years still in the girls to sit. If the first guest who started eating pancakes , a man, then a boy will be born in the family, a woman will be a girl.

On pancakes wondered also about family well-being. If the first pancake turned out beautiful and rosy, the whole year in the house will be prosperity. If pale and thin - it is necessary to prepare for the inevitable difficulties.

Fortune-telling on Shrovetide

In addition to pancakes, there were other fortune-telling on Shrovetide. For example, on the night of Sunday, the girls dreamed a dream: "Come to the girl who was tipped to a virgin to drink water." Who to dream, for that and to marry to go. Mothers of daughters were given a frying pan under the bed before going to bed to see what kind of son-in-law fate would send them.

Fortune-telling was a fortune-telling fortune-telling. On the leaflet it was necessary to write briefly what you want, roll it up, bring it to a burning white candle and once the paper is done, immediately remove it from the fire. If the leaf has burned down completely, the desire will come true, if it is gone - no.