Bizeboard for your children

Developing boards, or bizybordy, appeared in the life of children relatively recently. They belong to the category of "smart toys" and allow the child to develop small motor skills, fantasy, thought process and logic. Such boards are good for kids, starting from six months of age, when they are already starting to sit on their own. They use objects of interest to the young, and which can be opened, pulled, moved, etc. However, before making a bizboard for children with their own hands, you need to understand what exactly you want to see in it.

What are bizybordy for children?

Developing boards can differ from each other in configuration, size, type of fasteners, etc. The main points that should be taken into consideration when modeling this toy are:

  1. Place use. Developing boards, or a bisyboard with their own hands can be done for playing outdoors, at home or for fun on the road.
  2. Street boards, as a rule, are of impressive size and are attached to a fence or put on legs. They use various metal objects: bowls, plates and spoons, which you can knock. In addition, it is common to use watering cans in which children will pour water, as well as various tubes for rolling balls on them, etc.

    To make a home bisyboard for a child with your own hands, you can both from a large sheet of plywood, and from material 50 * 50 cm. It can have legs, be attached to the wall or be mobile (which the kid can wear on his own). On these toys can be used a variety of subjects, ranging from various locks and ending with training information: numbers or hours.

    Bisyboard, or a children's developing board for travel, with their own hands, too, is not difficult. It is a plane sheet of A-4 format or any other that you can take with you. This bisidord is made of thin plywood, lined with foam and fabric. On the road boards it is customary to use light objects that can often be found in clothing: sticky tape, buttons, buttons, laces with lacing, zippers, etc., organically inscribed in applications in the form of clothing and footwear.

  3. Age of the baby. Another criterion for how to make a bizboard for a child with their own hands, so that he played with him, and did not look indifferent - this is age. Judge for yourself, a board that is 4 times larger than a 6-month-old baby, and moreover equipped with clocks and figures, may well disappoint him. Choose items that will be interesting for your age. For semi-annual - rustling shreds, bright beads on laces and wheels, and for two-year-old kids - numbers, lightning and various locks.

So, if you have decided what exactly you want to make, then we offer you a master class on how to make a bisyboard with your own hands at home.

Children's board for home and travel

You will need: a sheet of plywood of two different sizes, an electric jigsaw, a screwdriver, screws, sandpaper, green paint, a piece of foam rubber and fabric, glue, a primer. And also the elements of the bisyboard: padlock with a key, a door hook, a furniture wheel, a door hinge, 2 different switches and a chain lock for the door.

  1. On the plywood of a larger size, we cut the holes for the switches on the sides at the bottom along the sides.
  2. Lateral slots are glued together with glue, sanded with sandpaper and ground the place of the cut.
  3. In the holes we insert switches and fasten them with screws.
  4. Now we paint the board and the small door. We let them dry. Using a screwdriver, we attach all the elements of the bisbord to the board. After this, we take the finished surface of the board and cut out the foam around its perimeter.
  5. Then, in the same way, we prepare the cut of the material, which we then wrap the foam.
  6. Material is turned from all sides to foam rubber.
  7. On top of the cloth, apply glue and lay the surface of the bisyboard. Pull it well and allow it to dry.

Everything, our mobile development board is ready.

In conclusion, I want to note that the scheme of how to make a bis-card with your own hands is not needed. To make this toy it is enough to show imagination and have at your fingertips the simplest, and sometimes completely unexpected objects with which it will be interesting to play your crumb.