The baby has itchy eyes

Sometimes mothers of babies notice that the child constantly rubs eyes. Why the child can scratch his eyes, and whether it is necessary to immediately contact the doctor, not every parent knows. Let's understand together.

Causes of itching eyes

  1. As a rule, itching in the eyes is the first sign of an allergy. Different allergens can differently manifest themselves and affect the eyelids and tissues surrounding the eye, or the mucous membrane. Most often, an allergy occurs during the flowering of some plants, especially in spring, and also because of the presence of animals in the house or home dust. It is possible that an allergy in the eyes of a child can occur on cosmetic or chemical means, or from a new toy made of poor-quality materials. Observe when the child began rubbing his eyes, whether there was something new in his environment, whether he had visited any new places.
  2. The child can scratch his eyes during the healing of the wound, because with this organism the healing substances that cause itching are produced.
  3. Redness of the eye in a child can be caused by the presence of a foreign body, for example, dust particles or grains of sand may be visually invisible, but cause burning, discomfort and itching. In order to get rid of the irritant, you need to rinse the eye with a weak tea solution or drip any eye drops of children.
  4. Any child can rub eyes from fatigue or overexertion. Especially harmful for children's eyes is a long TV viewing or computer games. Watch the baby, if he scratches his eyes after watching cartoons, then you just need to remove the annoying factor, and everything will work out.
  5. If the eyes are itchy in the baby, the most common cause is the congenital obstruction of the lacrimal canal . To eliminate this ailment, you need to consult an ophthalmologist who will prescribe a massage, special drops or procedure sensing in the conditions of the eye cabinet.
  6. The cause of reddening of the eyes, accompanied by itching and swelling, is often conjunctivitis, which can be allergic or viral. The radiation of conjunctivitis is the elimination of unpleasant symptoms and the suppression of foci of infection. Used in the treatment of tetracycline ointment 1%, drops of albucid or levomycitin, etc.

As prevention of eye diseases, teach your baby to use a handkerchief if you need to wipe your eyes. Most of the eye ailments appear from "dirty hands" and non-compliance with hygiene rules.