How to get rid of varicose veins?

Modern medicine has a wide arsenal of therapeutic agents and methods of surgical treatment of varicose veins. What doctors will use in each case depends on how vigorous the problem is. If the vessels bulge outward, creating hillocks on the surface of the skin, it may be necessary to remove the "defective" sections of the veins. And when it is barely visible in the form of spider webs of a reticulum of vessels, it may be possible to cope with conservative methods.

How to get rid of varicose veins without surgery?

Tablets and ointments are not top-priority in solving this problem; rather, they perform an auxiliary function in conjunction with such measures as phyto- and physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics, the correct diet for work and rest. But they are necessary, both for prophylaxis, and for complicated forms of the disease course.

The most popular with varicose veins are phlebotonics, which are designed to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood flow:

Drug treatment for varicose requires a long-term use, since getting rid of varicose quickly with the help of tablets and ointments will not work. However, you need to do this in short courses, in order to avoid addiction. With varicose fought surgically back in the time of Hippocrates. But today the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get rid of varicose veins without an operation is definitely positive if you alternate or combine phlebotrophic drugs with blood thinning:

Many of the above funds can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription, but one should not make an appointment for oneself. After all, many drugs from varicose have a complex effect. And to some, in addition, the phlebologist-doctor will prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug called Declofenac or Indomethacin.

How to get rid of varicose at home?

Choosing an acceptable and effective course of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the venous state, because you can get rid of varicose veins at home only when the disease is not started. It is worth noting that, in parallel with medicines, home procedures for proven folk recipes along with a complex of therapeutic gymnastics will make it impossible to forget about the disease forever.

Like medicines, homemade drugs, should be divided into those used inside and outside.

For external use, compresses, alcohol and acetic rubbing, ointments prepared at home are recommended. When you rub one of the means into the skin of your feet, it turns out that simultaneously perform a massage. It is necessary for the legs to prevent swelling and normalize blood flow.

As rubbing, use apple cider vinegar or tincture based on:

External can be applied:

Apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons), diluted with water and supplemented with honey, is used on an empty stomach 2 times a day (morning, evening).

For internal use, decoctions are suitable:

An unusual but very effective way of getting rid of varicose for ever is a cabbage compress. You can, of course, simply wrap your leg with a cabbage leaf. But we are talking about a method that is relevant even for serious varicose lesions. Therefore, softened by hand and soaped with household soap, cabbage leaf should be applied over the soda, which is pricked beforehand painful leg sections. Leave the compress on all night.