Second degree burn

Thermal burns can be safely called the leaders among domestic injuries. The most harmless skin lesion upon contact with a hot object or substance is a 1 degree burn, accompanied by reddening and swelling of the tissue, which disappear after a couple of hours or days.

Less harmless burn 2nd degree - its signs: redness, swelling, and most importantly - the formation of large blisters, filled with fluid (blood plasma). With such a defeat of the skin you need to behave very carefully.

Fast reaction

  1. It is necessary to cool the affected area, since even when the heat source ceases, the skin tissues remain heated and continue to break down. Therefore, after receiving a thermal burn of 2 degrees, it is necessary to hold the affected area of ​​the skin under cold running water for 10-20 minutes. Alternative to the tap can serve as a bowl with water or a dampened clean cloth. Applying ice to the wound is extremely dangerous.
  2. After cooling, it is necessary to apply on the wound ointment from burns of 2 degrees, and better - spray (more painlessly).
  3. On the wounded with the medicine, a sterile bandage should be applied from the bandage.

Common Errors

It should be remembered that properly provided first aid can cure a second degree burn in 1-1.5 weeks. But the use of questionable, but well-known recipes can do much harm.

  1. You can not lubricate the burn with oil, sour cream, kefir, aloe juice, any alcohol solutions and tinctures, homemade ointments and other folk remedies.
  2. You can not treat the wound with dye solutions (manganese, zelenka, iodine) - the picture of the lesion is smeared, and the doctor can not accurately determine the degree of burn. The skin around the wound can be treated and needed.

What is dangerous burn 2 degrees?

The affected area of ​​the skin is the gateway to infection, so touching the wound with your hands, and even more so you can not open the blisters! If a 2 degree thermal burn was obtained in nature and the soil (chips, particles of asphalt and other foreign bodies) got into the wound, you should immediately contact a doctor who will clean the wound and take a number of measures aimed at preventing tetanus.

Many are frightened by the prospect of remaining with a scar or scar: the most dangerous in this regard is a person's burn of 2nd degree, as well as open parts of the body. Nevertheless, correct actions after skin lesion and competent treatment reduce the risk of scarring to zero.

How to treat 2nd degree burns?

If a small skin surface is affected, treatment at home is acceptable. It presupposes:

It is necessary to use a sterile bandage, and the wound treating person should wear medical gloves.

  1. If the wound begins to catch up, it is necessary to replace the ointment with moistly-drying antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, furacilin).
  2. If the dressing is stuck to the wound, it should be moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and after a minute carefully removed.

Means from burns of 2 degrees

The most effective treatment of burns of 2 degrees with drugs containing levomycetin, sea buckthorn oil, vitamin E and other substances that promote rapid tissue regeneration.

Most commonly used:

Well proved in the treatment of burns of 2 degrees Solkoseril (gel and ointment).