Sinecode for coughing

Exhausting, dry cough is very difficult to stop. To do this, you need to use drugs that affect certain centers of the brain in order to stop receiving the signal about the reduction of bronchi. Earlier, opiates were used for this purpose, but now there is no need to use narcotic drugs - Sinecode helps cough quickly, effectively and safely.

At what cough it is possible to accept Sinecod?

This question is put in a separate topic, not without reason. The fact is that with a wet cough Synecode is not used. There are several explanations:

  1. Dry cough is caused by inflammation of the bronchi, bacteria do not accumulate, sputum is not formed. You can use the product with complete safety.
  2. Sinecode with a wet cough stops spitting, bacteria begin to multiply faster, mucus accumulates in the bronchi, spreads to the lungs and the patient develops serious complications.
  3. If you are not sure of which cough Synecode will help, and from which - no, it is better to consult a doctor. Regardless of what type of cough you drink Sinecode, the effectiveness of the drug is not affected - it will stop both dry and wet cough. The effect of the drug is systemic, it depresses the cough reflex at the level of the signals of the nervous system. But with sputum cessation coughing will bring more problems than good.

Features of the cough medicine Sinekod

After all of the above, it becomes obvious that the drug can be used in situations where the infection process is absent and sputum is not excreted. These include a certain stage of such diseases:

Also Sinekod is widely used in the field of preparation for surgical manipulations on respiratory organs and various physiotherapeutic procedures.

The main active substance, butamir, is perceived by the human body favorably and completely excreted by the kidneys. In the blood and internal organs, neither butamate itself nor its metabolites accumulate. Therapeutic effect occurs 1.5 hours after taking the drug.

Sinecode is available on sale in the form of syrup, drops and drops. Depending on the form of release, the concentration of active substances differs - the syrup is used to treat children over 3 years old, dragees are used to treat adults, and drops - pregnant women and children from 2 months. The use of the drug during the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. Also, complications can occur in allergic people, especially those sensitive to lactose. It is included in the number of additional components of the medicine. Diabetics use syrup, drops and pills can be without risk to health - despite the vanilla flavor and pleasant taste, there is no sugar in Sinekode, as a sweetener used sodium saccharin. Due to the presence of minor amounts of ethanol, the drug is administered with caution to persons with alcohol and drug dependence, as well as hypersensitivity to this component.

In case of an overdose, side effects have signs of toxic poisoning:

It is recommended to do a gastric lavage and take activated charcoal, or another absorbent preparation. If these measures are taken in a timely manner, the patient's condition will be normalized fairly quickly. Otherwise, seek medical advice from a doctor.