Vomiting and diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea can be signs of many diseases not only of the gastrointestinal tract. They can be accompanied by other symptoms, but usually, suddenly starting, they make a person think about how serious the disease is and how long it will last, and most importantly - what first steps must be taken.

Why does vomiting and diarrhea occur?

In medical practice, it is considered that vomiting and diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body. By such methods he tries to purify himself from bacteria, poor-quality food and toxins. Therefore, when identifying these symptoms, one must understand that one of these causes has become the causative agent of the disease.

What diseases are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea?

Violations of different systems and organs can give symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea:

If vomiting, diarrhea and fever occur in an adult

With diarrhea, vomiting and chills, if the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, we can assume two options: either the organism has been infected, and immunity weakly reacts to it, or inflammation has occurred.

Colitis very often occurs in people who neglect the right diet: do not eat hot liquid dishes - soups and borscht, have irregular meals. Usually. Colitis is accompanied by severe pain, but if it is weak or the disease only begins to develop, then a small temperature can last all day.

Also the cause may be gastritis: indigestion of food leads to nausea, and then to diarrhea or constipation.

If there was vomiting and diarrhea, and the temperature exceeds 38 degrees. Most likely, rotavirus appeared in the body. With it there are not only vomiting, diarrhea and fever of 38 degrees, but also nausea.

This condition can persist for 3 to 5 days, and in the absence of treatment and weak immunity, it can reach 10 days. Often, a person develops diarrhea, and then nausea and vomiting are added, and against this background, the temperature can reach 39 degrees. Emergency medical help is needed in this case, since rotavirus leads to dehydration of the body due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea.

The cause of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can also be normal flu, but with the above symptoms, cough and runny nose are added.

If there was vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain

These symptoms can talk about one of the following diseases:

Confirmation of any of these diseases should be carried out on the basis of laboratory tests.

Symptomatically, the aforementioned diseases will be accompanied not only by stool disorder, abdominal pain and vomiting, but also by acidic eructation, bitterness in the mouth and discolored feces.

Also, with these symptoms, dyskinesia of the bile ducts is likely: in this case, a yellow coating is observed in the tongue, especially after eating. Constant nausea can cause vomiting only in extremely neglected cases.

If there was nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness and diarrhea

In some cases, dizziness may also occur with rotavirus infection, when the temperature begins to rise sharply. It is also possible that this is a common poisoning.

But often dizziness indicates that the work of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, and the body reacts in this way to the stress experienced. If there is no temperature, then it is likely that the cause of the symptoms is vegetative-vascular dystonia according to the hypertonic, hypotonic or mixed type.

In this case, it is necessary to measure the pulse and pressure - if there are deviations, then the probability is high that the nervous system failed. In this case, you need to call an ambulance to treat a crisis that can have more adverse effects than nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If the parameters of pressure and pulse are normal, then it is worth thinking about the mental state. Panic attacks can give such a reaction, but the symptoms occur against the background of pronounced anxiety and almost 100% confidence that this condition indicates an imminent death. The attack lasts not for long - no more than half an hour, and ends with frequent urination.