Rubella - Symptoms in Adults

In the world, there are a lot of various very unpleasant diseases that affect people from young to old. Usually children due to unstable childhood immunity are very often ill, but adults are also susceptible to many ailments. Rubella disease in adults occurs almost as often as in children. This disease is very similar to ordinary measles, but fortunately is less dangerous. And after having had it, a person will gain immunity for life.

The incubation period of rubella in adults

Typically, the incubation period is from 11 to 23 days. This is the time period when the disease develops. The patient usually does not know that he is ill, because at this time he does not have any obvious symptoms.

Signs of rubella in adults

Recognize any disease is very important in order to prevent its worst consequences. An adult, being in charge of the health of his family, should be aware of how to recognize the first signs of rubella in adults. They usually appear after the expiration of the incubation period and are similar to those of the common cold:

The characteristic features of measles rubella in adults are:

The rash usually does not last long and after a few days the specks disappear. In appearance, the rash in adults is more abundant than in children. Spots sometimes merge together and form large erythematous fields, in particular, on the back and buttocks. Such a profuse rash lasts longer and can only go off 5-7 days after the appearance.

If a person suffers a serious rubella, and it runs with great complications, then this affects its signs. You may receive:

Rubella measles in adults can have various symptoms, and can be asymptomatic. This complicates the treatment process because, in this case, the disease is detected later. And this is fraught with complications.

Atypical (asymptomatic) rubella can cause only mild pain in the throat and a slight increase in temperature. However, with this form does not appear a rash, and therefore rubella is very easy to confuse with a cold.

Rubella measles in women with pregnancy

The most severe consequences are given by rubella in the event that she became pregnant with a pregnant woman in 1-3 months of pregnancy. In this case, a newborn is very often born with pathologies:

Considering the foregoing, if a woman is going to become pregnant, but she has never been vaccinated against rubella and not sick with it, then the vaccine should be done. After the vaccination before the onset of pregnancy should be at least three months.

The way rubella appears in adults, largely depends on their immunity . A person whose body has strong immunity is more resistant to various viruses and infections. Such a patient rarely has complications, and the disease passes faster and easier. However, if the defenses of the adult body are weakened, for example, by the recently transferred inflammatory disease, it is quite possible that measles rubella will give very serious complications.

However, other factors influence how it flows. A person who has suffered measles rubella, forever acquires immunity against her.